Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mom's Make-Up

身だしなみ リップクリームを 眉毛にも。
Before going out,
Mom is applying chap stick on
her lips and eyebrows.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mother - Household Assistance

Who could imagine
a roll of paper towel
put inside the fridge?



Damaged again.
A new can of pepper was
filled with water.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Little Kid's Powerful Power

A four-year-old boy empowered an elderly boy to skip together. A rare shot of MyD jumping spontaneously.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Let's Go Together!

This is a photo of the time share residence where we are going to stay for our first week next year in Cabao
San Lucas. It is called Hacienda Encantada.

This is the dining room of the residence.


It has a magnificent view of the Sea of the Cortez.The swimming pool looks like an extension of the ocean.

The Sea of the Cortezを望んだとても綺麗なところです。プールが海の一部に見えるのがなんとも言いがたいですね。

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Queen of Fish & Scenery

This is a beautiful shot of a Marlin. This Marlin was caught by MyD and the photo was taken by his friend. Surely, everyone had some wonderful moments of fishing this year. We released all the marlin, sailfish, and most of the dorado.

This is the symbol of Cabo San Lucas - El Arco. In English, it means the arch. When we see this on the boat, we are back to the port. An exciting day is over.

My Fish

I was able to catch lots of Dorado this year, more than plenty. The 1st day, it was 15. The 2nd day, it was 12. However, the local authorities introduced a law and they limited our catch of fish for each day as follows:
Dorado ... 4 per person or 6 for 2 people
Marlin/Sail fish ... one per boat. You can catch more, as long as you release them.
今年はドラードが沢山釣れました。嫌と言うほど沢山。 1日目は15尾、2日目は12尾。残念ながらと言うか、幸いに、今年から厳しい法律が施され一日に持ち帰れる魚の数を制限されました。

This year was the first time ever for me to catch this type of fish!

It was so big and heavy. It weighs approximately 100 pounds. I was trying to spread its sail, which is the top fin.


It was a sailfish that I caught.
In addition, I also caught a marlin (about 140 pounds), the first time I caught a marlin for a while. It took about 25 minutes before we released it. It was an exciting year for fishing.

Reference: (Billfish ... カジキ) Information source:

Striped marlinマカジキ
The best to eat among billfish.

Black Marlin....シロカジキ
Grilled marinated black marlin with soybean paste is said to be good.

Blue Marlin...クロカジキ
Not so tasty as Sashimi. 刺身としてはそれほど美味しくない。

Sail Fish...バショウカジキ
Sailfish has less fat than striped marlin but used as alternative fish of striped marlin.

Sword fish.... メカジキ
Can be eaten as Sashimi or as steak.

Bait for billfish is saury(Sanma). かじきの餌はさんま。

Cabo San Lucas - Sun Rise

Beautiful nature greeted us on the 1st morning of our fishing at Cabo San Lucas. This was the sun rise we saw on the fishing boat.
(This photo was taken by MyD.)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

With a Special Neighborhood for the Memory Impared

This signage caught my eyes during our drive between El Segundo and Redondo Beach in Southern California. I imagine this is for the elderly people's facility, so called "Group Home" in Japan. The phrase is gracefully avoiding a direct word such as dementia.
ロス空港近くのEl Segundo から南下してReddondo Beachに向かっていく途中このような看板を見つけた。いわゆる日本で言う「グループホーム」のことかしらと想像している。言い回しが気に入ったので車窓から撮った。

Mother - Exercise 歩かされ

コスモスと 戯れるかに 見ゆる母
Mom is happily
in a field of cute Cosmos,
standing timidly.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mother - Whatever in Freezer

母にとり 何でも入る 冷凍庫
Alas, a yoyo!
Freezer is a big storage
for mom to put in.

(A small balloon with water inside is another type of Yoyo in Japan. The balloon is tied with a rubber band. By holding the rubber band, you can play with the balloon ,like a Yoyo.)

困ったな 冷凍大根 役立たず
Oh, my God. again!
A radish was frozen hard .
Must throw it away...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mother - Her Effort

階段を 弱々しくも 降りる母
Being tough in spirits,
mom is climbing down long stairs
step by step steadily.

新聞の 字読む努力 けなげなリ
Isn't she admirable
to read letters on paper
with her troubled eyes?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Flower Arrangement

Formation: Square 180°
Gerbera (Pink) ガーベラ
Autumn Bellflower (White)リンドウ
Japanese toad lily (Small purple flowers with dots) ホトトギス
Cocks-Comb (Orangish one) 槍鶏頭
Hypericum androsaemum (Small pinkish berry)
Millet (Brown) 粟(アワ)
Miscanthus sinensis ススキ
Limonium sinuatum(Small pink flowers) スターチス

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Photos from Alaska アラスカからの写真

These photos of flowers were sent by MyD. We planted them in early July. When I was there, many of them did not have many blossoms and some were laying down. Since then a lot have grown and they are still coming out. How pretty they are!
Pansies in the backyard of MyD's house. 裏庭のパンジー達

Mimulus by the sidewalk of the house.サイドウォーク沿いのミムルス。

The purple floweres with the white dot in the center are Lobelia. The pink flowers are Geranium. They are at the side stairs towards the entrance.

Monday, August 18, 2008


My mom underwent a photodynamic therapy for 82 seconds on Thursday, August 14. It is a treatment for her macular degeneration. This treatment uses a low power laser beam. She had to stay in the hospital for at least two days, possibly for three days, only because of the injection that she had before the therapy. The injection, Visudyne, reacts to sunlight. It is dangerous to be exposed to any bright sunlight. That is why she needed to be in the hospital so that she will be protected well. However, being in the hospital could worsen her dementia. My sisters and I prepared all kinds of mental exercise programs for her.

My Mom is doing her reading exercise right now at hospital. She looks so cute.

This is the outfit that she had to wear when she left the hospital after dusk on Sunday, August 17, 2008. She did not like the sunglasses. She has never worn sunglasses in her life. She also did not like the scarf , because it is too stuffy for her to wear in the summer. However, we managed to convince her to wear them all to protect her from lights. Doesn't she look elegant?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Flower Arrangement Class in July

Bouquet - Cascade ブーケ-カスケード

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Coloring-Hyacinth 塗り絵 - ヒヤシンス

Another one of my mom's best works of art from her collection at the day care center.


My mother seems to have become reasonably stable at the day care center. She started to go there on March 19, 2008. Today, she goes there four days a week. Still, she does not know neither why nor where she needs to go every morning.

At first, her mood could be temperamental from time to time. On one occasion, she attempted to leave the center before the end of the day. The staff paid special attention to her and were able to start playing beanbags with her. Interestingly, she, then, seemed to calm down and enjoyed what she was doing. This photo shows my mom and a nurse at the day care center, playing beanbags.


I am very happy that I was able to find this day care center. The atmosphere is very lively. The staff is professional and attentive. The location is very convenient for me. I would like to pay a special tribute and express my appreciate to all of the staff there. Thank you very much!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Halibut ハリバット

This is the halibut that I caught this summer. It was a baby halibut. When I was pulling to reel it in, I felt the fish was very big, like one of those I caught about ten years ago. My biggest catch so far is approximately 62 pounds. For such a big halibut, a gun is necessary to shoot the fish before pulling it up into the boat. If they are not shot, they can flop around and injure people. I fought with the fish a lot this time. Therefore, you can imagine how BIG my disappointment was when I saw this baby halibut.



TIDES 潮汐(ちょうせき) - MyD's Lecture MyDの講義

MyD has a very good memory. He can give me a lecture on tides off-hand with a sweet drawing. I want to say I know that because I learned these things in my elementary school, or junior high. I remember the events but not the contents. I can not explain as much as he does. I am jealous of his brain.
Anchorage Alaska has the second highest tide differential of any place in the world. Only the Bay of Fundy, which is between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in Canada, has a higher differential between high and low tides.
Tides result from the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. Since the moon is much closer to the earth, it has a larger effect on tides when compared to the sun. The biggest tides come near a full or new moon. During these times, the sun and moon are in a relatively straight line and therefore, their combined gravitational pull is greatest. Gravity pulls all ocean waters towards the equator. As the earth spins on its axis, high tides are created on two sides of the earth and low tides occur on the other two sides.

With a big tide, the difference between high and low can be close to 30 feet. With that much water flowing, the current can be very strong. This would not be a good time to go halibut fishing. Even with a very heavy weight, you can not keep your bait on the bottom and the bottom is where the halibut are.

The best tides for halibut fishing are normally just after a half moon. Then, the sun and moon are at right angles to each other. Their gravitational pull at right angles partially cancels their effect on the tides. The difference between high and low tide can be as little as 9.6 feet. Now you can keep your bait on the bottom and probably catch some halibut.

So, why are the smallest tides not exactly on the same day as a half moon? This is because the moons orbit around the earth is elliptical and therefore its distance from earth is constantly changing. Although the phase of the moon is important, its proximity to earth also plays a significant role Every January, we eagerly await the publishing of the new years tide tables. Then we can begin to plan our halibut and clam digging trips.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Signs of Early Summer in Alaska

Some flowers are blooming in Alaska. Purple lupines usually bloom in June. However, this year, they were late and I was still able to see some of them when I was there this month, July. The white puffs are the seeds from dandelions.

Wild roses were also in full bloom. This is the rose which becomes rose hips.


Sorry for this blurred photo. But at least I was able to catch one Mayfly. There were so many mayflies in the evening of July 6. A swarm of Mayflies was flying over the Kenai River when I was there. I was also told that this year their flight was late.
In most areas of the U.S they hatch and swarm in May. Thus the name Mayfly. In Alaska, they usually fly along the river bank in June. They stay close to the river, and do not come near the house. They have a very short life span. To me, it was a surprise to see flies in Alaska, where it is not hot. This fly seems to be different from what we see in Japan (both in appearance and behavior). According to some information, they fly only over clean water. A swarm of Mayflies means they are mating. Male Mayflies fly up and down. Females fly through the swarm on a "fly-by" according to a website Next time when I see them, I will watch them closely to see if there are those flying up and down and those who are flying through.
ピンボケの写真で申し訳ありませんが、必死で捕らえた一匹のメイフライ(カゲロウ)です。7/6の夕方にこのメイフライの大群がキーナイ川に沿って飛んでいました。今年はメイフライの飛来も遅かったそうです。通常は 五月に孵化し一団となって飛ぶのでMAYFLYと呼ばれるそうです。カゲロウは水面を飛び人が住む家の方にやってきません。彼らの命はカゲロウのごとく儚いところから、日本名が付いたそうです。英語の語彙力不足の私は、アラスカのように涼しいところで何故ハエがと思いました。このフライは、日本でいういわゆるハエとは違いました。このフライは綺麗な水を好みます。一群となって飛ぶということは異性を求めているとのこと。オスは上下に飛び、メスは群れの中を突き進んで飛んでいくとのことですが、次回、この時期にアラスカに行った時はは、彼らの飛び方をよく観察してみます。

Aircraft from Anchorage to Kenai

A Beechcraft 1900D (B-1900) is the aircraft I took from Anchorage to Kenai on my recent trip. Although has 19 seats, they will only take 18 passengers, because with 19 people, the airline company must have one flight attendant. ERA (the only airline company between Anchorage and Kenai today) uses different aircraft, depending on the time of a day. Beechcraft 1900D (B-1900)

写真の飛行機Beechcraft 1900D (B-1900)がアラスカの鮭釣りで有名なキーナイに行くのに乗る飛行機です。18人乗りの小さな飛行機でクルーはキャプテンとコパイロットだけ。パイロットが客に向かって挨拶してくれます。実際には座席が19席ありますが、19人乗るとフライトアテンダントがパイロットのほかに必要になるので18人乗りです。アンカレッジからキーナイに飛んでる航空会社はこのERA Aviationしかなく、時間帯により違った小さな飛行機が準備されています。

The first aircraft that I boarded to go to Kenai 13 years ago seemed very small. It was a deHavilland Twin Otter that has only 16 seats. Most Twin Otters will seat 18. I had never flown on such a small aircraft before. However, I decided to take a chance. Looking down from the aircraft window, it was a frozen sea. Thank goodness, I am still alive.
13年前に初めて乗った飛行機はずいぶん小さな飛行機だと言う印象がありましたが、それでも16人も乗れる飛行機でした。deHavilland Twin Otterと言う飛行機ですが、こんな小さな飛行機にそれまで乗ったことなく、さすがにちょっと気が引けました。諦めの境地で乗りましたが、窓の下は、凍て付いた氷の海。にもかかわらず、それからもず~とこんな小さな飛行機に乗り続けています。
deHavilland Twin Otter ..Photo from
Part of the time, ERA uses a Dash 8 on this route. The Dash 8 is also manufactured by deHavilland of Canada, and it will hold 36 passengers with one flight attendant. Usually, the flight attendant just rattles off the announcement and some times it includes a humor, inviting a laughter from passengers. It is a lot different from an announcement on any of Japanese airline companies which provide a fixed announcement at all times. Originally, the flight attendant would serve a cookie and a cup of juice to every passenger on this 18 minute flight. To save money, they first cut off serving the cookie, and now they no longer serve the juice.
Dash 8と言う飛行機にも乗りました。Twin Otterと同じくカナダのdeHavilland社の飛行機ですが、これは、多少大きく36人乗り。当然、一人のフライトアテンダントつきです。このアテンダントが、まあ、通常、早口で、まくし立て、時には、お客の笑いとり、日本の一本調子の機内アナウンスから程遠い代物です。
The B-1900 is a low wing aircraft, and the entry is at the front. The stairs are part of the door and only one person at a time can be on these stairs. The Twin Otter is a high wing aircraft with the entry door at the rear. Its stairs can hold three people at a time. The B-1900 is much faster than the Twin Otter. However the Twin Otter can take-off and land from very short fields. That is why it has been a very popular airplane for Alaska. There is one other problem with the B-1900. With a full load of passengers, they might not be able to carry all the luggage due to maximum weight restrictions. Your bags may arrive several hours later. This can be a big problem if you are connecting to another flight when departing Anchorage. The Dash 8 can carry a full load of passengers and all of their luggage, plus a little bit of cargo.  No wonder, we need to know which type of aircraft we book at the time of purchasing a ticket.
B-1900は翼が低い飛行機で、入り口は前方にあります。実は、階段を織り上げると入り口がしまるという仕組みなんですね。これも私にとっては驚きでした。知らなかったんですが、一人づつしか登ってはいけないんですね。B-1900より小さなTwin Otter は翼が高く、階段になる入り口が後方にあり、3人が同時に登っても大丈夫。B-1900の方がTwin Otterより早いスピードが出ますが、Twin Otterは滑走路の長さが短くても大丈夫。と言う理由でアラスカではTwin Otterが大活躍だそうです。B-1900にはもう一つ問題があるそうです。満席になると、お客様の荷物が過積載となる事もあり、時には荷物が一緒に飛んでくれない可能性があります。荷物だけ、何時間か後に到着する....アンカレッジからコネくティングフライトがある場合、お客にとって非常に困った事態となるので、注意が必要です。Dash 8の36人乗りの場合、満席になってもお客様の荷物のほかに、カーゴ貨物も載せられるのでこのような心配は不要です。なるほど、このような問題があるので、自分がどのタイプの飛行機に乗るかも知る必要があるのですね。

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Confusion 混乱

Here is my mom again. My sister took her to the care center where she will be staying during my trip to Alaska. Luckily, her brother was there. My uncle's dementia has increased so much that he introduced my mother to other residents as his "DAUGHTER". My mother was appalled. Well, she has similar confusions from time to time. One time, she told me, "I thought you were my mom." On another occasion, she said, "I thought you were older than me." She sometimes thinks that she goes to a kindergarten, not a day care center.


On this occasion, I would like to introduce the house where I was born and where my mom was probably born too. The house has been renovated. Today, It looks beautiful inside and out. A nice thing for me is I can show this off on this blog. The house is located on an island where it takes about 40 minutes by boat from the bay where the care facility for her and my uncle stands. The house in the middle is where I was born. It is located in a port where oysters are harvested and processed. It is such an isolated island that I am so surprised to see an automobile there. My uncle now lives in this house when he is not in the care center.


Separation 別離

My mom and I are going to be separated for a while. I am going to Alaska for a week. Her doctor advised me that it would not be a good idea for me to take her on this trip. I can no longer leave my mom at home alone while I am away. This photo is of the facility where she is going to stay. She will receive full care and supervision. Part of the time, her brother is also a guest at this facility. It is close to her home land island, and this gives her some comfort, I believe. It is a two-hour ride from Osaka by train. The photo is taken from a fish market across the street. They have fresh oysters there. On the way to one of the train stations, there is a nice bakery, a cake shop, and grocery stores. It was not like this before, when I was a kid. Borrowing my mom's phrase, "everything has changed so much that I can not recognize where I am walking." 母と私はしばしのお別れだ。一週間アラスカに行く。主治医の忠告で母を連れて行くこともできなくなった。もう彼女を家で一人にしておくこともできない。写真の建物は、彼女がショートステイする施設で、そこで、母の面倒を24時間見てもらえる。母の兄もそこにいるし彼女のお里へもそこからそう遠くなく安心して泊まれるだろうと考えている。電車で大阪から2時間。この施設から道路を渡ったところに魚市場があり、新鮮な牡蠣が手に入る。最寄の駅まで歩くと、おいしいパン屋さんもあり、自信を持ってお勧めできるケーキ屋さんや八百屋さんまである。私の子供の頃からずいぶん変わった。母の言葉を借りると、「どこもかしこも変わってしまってここがどこかさっぱり分からんようになってしまった。」

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Walking from my condo to a hospital nearby is normally not fun at all. It is not a nice neighborhood and
it takes about 25 minues for my mother to walk.


However, it was different when we walked last time on June 9. The Hydrangea was in full broom. There were different colors and kinds of hydrangea on the way.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Mom's Works - Coloring

Some times, I am surprised to know how little I know about my mother.
When I took her to Hawaii many many years ago, we had a wonderful room on a higher level at the Hilton, in Waikiki. I stood on the veranda and asked her to come out. She would not come out. She was afraid of the height. I did not know my mother had an acrophobia.
Now, my new surprise about my mother is her artistic talent. These melons and sunflowers were colored by my mother at her Day Care Center. Her work is so detailed that people are impressed very much by her work.
