Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Logic behind the logo

FIGURE THE LOGIC BEHIND THE LOGO........ 企業のロゴマークに隠れたユーモア
This article was forwarded to me from my admiring ex-professor at a well-known university in Japan, who is also a pilot. I post this article without his permission. Hope he will not mind.

The SUN Microsystems logo is a wonderful example of symmetry and order. It was a brilliant observation that the letters u and n while arranged adjacent to each other look a lot like the letter S in a perpendicular direction. Spectacular.

The logo is for an editing studio. I like the way the logo attempts to convey what they do.

These are two magazines from the Readers Digest stable. Again, the attempt to communicate what it is about quite figuratively through the logo catches my attention.

I liked this logo of a hair stylist for the cheeky humour it brings to the (dressing) table.

This was a logo created for a puzzle game called Cluenatic. This game involves unravelling four clues. The logo has the letters C, L, U and E arranged as a maze. and from a distance, the logo looks like a key.

This logo is too good. For the name Eight, they have used a font in which each letter is a minor adaptation of the number 8.

Eighty-20 is a small consulting company which does sophisticated financial modeling, as well as some solid database work. All their work is highly quantitative and relies on some serious computational power, and the logo is meant to convey it.  People first guess that 20% of the squares are darkened, but that turns out to be false after counting them. The trick is to view the dark squares as 1's and the light squares as 0's. Then the top line reads 1010000 and the bottom line reads 0010100, which represent 80 and 20 in binary.
Kinda like the surreal green screen of The Matrix, they want us to read stuff in binary

This was a logo designed in-house for some internal event at IBM. I like that they are quite relaxed about the logo, unlike certain other companies who do not like the logo to be tampered with in any way even for internal promotions.

You might think the arrow does nothing here. But it says that has everything from a to z and it also represents the smile brought to the customer's face. Wow, that is quite deep.
茶色の→に何の意味があるのかと思われるかも知れない。が、実はアマゾンコムを使えば、a ~zまですべてが揃うと言う意味だ。その結果、この矢印はお客様のスマイルになるという訳だ。うーん。矢印には深い意味がある。

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Car Related Story

I received the below story from MyD, who received it from Sandy.

At Penn State University, there were four sophomores taking chemistry and all of them had an "A" so far.These four friends were so confident that the weekend before finals, they decided to visit some friends and have a big party. They had a great time but, after all the hearty partying they slept all day Sunday and didn't make it back to State College until early Monday morning.Rather than taking the final then, they decided that after the final they would explain to their professor why they missed it. They said that they visited friends but on the way back they had a flat tire. As a result, they missed the final.The professor agreed they could make up the final the next day.The guys were excited and relieved. They studied that night for the exam. The Professor placed them in separate rooms and gave them a test booklet. They quickly answered the first problem worth 5 points.Cool,they thought! Each one in separate rooms,thinking this was going to be easy.... then they turned the page. On the second page was written.... For 95 points:Which tire? _________

My old car, Colona, in front of my condo and
my new car, Prius on April 28,2007.


Monterey Bay Coastal Trail

A bicycle for two and a quadcycle/pedal cart

Walking along Montereay Bay Coastal trail... The trail here is as wide as our automobile roads in Japan. You do not have to worry about bumping into a bicycle while you are walking on the trail.

Canadian Geese

モントレー湾沿いの遊歩道にて。 こちらの遊歩道は幅が広いので日本の自動車道のようだ。歩いているときに自転車とぶつかる心配もない。


This marine terrace sediments at Point Lobos State Reserve has only 2 million years' of history. My greatest fascination about the US is because of the exposition of a long history in geology. Some rocks have 100 million years or more of history in this reserve. When traveling around the US., you will encounter terrain which has hundreds of millions years of history. I have never encountered terrain with such a long history before I traveled in Europe, and never in Japan. No wonder a film like Jurassic Park was created. It has a lot of romance. The imagination of dinosaurs fascinates me. The imagination of land rise due to volcanic activities, earthquake etc. scares me so much.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sand City 砂市

Sand City is another neighboring city of Monterey. I thought the naming is straight forward and simple. The City is made of sand. That is why it is called Sand City. It is hard to imagine such a simple name designated to a city in Japan. I did not know what sand dune meant in Japanese. By seeing it with my eyes, it was obvious. Sand dunes are made of sand created by rocks washed by river water. The sand from the rocks is pushed up by the wave of the sea and the strength of wind from the ocean. In Sand City, the authority is attempting to strengthen the sand dune, by prohibiting unrestricted walking by human beings and encouraging vegetation while eliminating foreign vegetation. In Japan, a well known sand dune, called Totori Sand Dune, has become the site for sand boarders. It is a contradicting approach of two different city authorities.
サンドシティはモントレーの隣の町だ。非常に単純明快な名前でいいのでは?砂でできた町 なのでサンドシティ。 そんな単純な名前はなかなか日本ではない。サンドデューンとは何か知らなかったが、日本語では砂丘ということだった。目の当たりにすればすぐ日本語訳が見つかった。砂丘とは岩が川の水で押し流されて行くうちに砂となり、その砂が波で海岸に押し上げられ、海からの強風でさらに砂が盛り上がってできるそうだ。サンドシティの砂丘はしっかりと植物が根付き強固な大地になるよう、外来植物を取り除き、人間の侵入を制限している。一方、日本の有名な鳥取砂丘では、サンドボーダーのサイトとなってしまっている。この2つの都市の砂丘に対する取り組みに大きな違いがある。

Is this a bear in Monterey...?

No, this is a sea otter at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It was my first time to see the entire body of a sea otter. There are many marine animals in Monterey Bay. Walking along the bay is a natural setting of an aquarium. I was able to see a lot of sea otters floating in the bay at a distance, and pelicans were flying over them in a line.


Seals were laying down on rocks. It is interesting to see the difference in the color of the fur. Probably, the white one is a baby seal and the gray one is a parent. At a beach, called the Hopkins State Marine Reserve, baby seals are born in April and May. During that period, human beings are required to stay away from them. I was able to peek in through a netted wall and saw so many seals on the beach.
アザラシが岩の上で休んでいる。毛皮の色の違いが面白い。たぶん白いのが子供で、グレーが親。Hopkins State Marine Reserveという海岸はアザラシの保護地域。4月から五月が出産の頃で、この時期に人間が近寄るのは禁止されている。網の壁の向こう側にはたくさんのアザラシが寝転んでいるのが見えた。

Flat Sally's Last Trip

Flat Sally's last trip with her Grandpa was to attend Flying Tiger's reunion party at the Marriott Hotel in Monterey. There were over 400 ex-Flying Tiger pilots, flight attendants and their family members and all got excited. Flat Sally was very unhappy about leaving her Grandpa but, at least, she looked so happy in front of her desert at the dinner party.


Friday, June 15, 2007

Aircraft Identifier - 飛行機の機種の識別

Pilots are crazy, not all, but at least one ex-pilot. Whenever an aircraft flies over, MyD stops, looks up into the sky and checks the aircraft. Pilots waiting for taking-off in the cockpit are also trying to kill their time by checking each aircraft model. They must know what is the make. At Narita airport, I was taught how to identify each aircraft. I tried to remember, but I forgot all. Here are some of my attempts.

B777 because the tail cone is square cut. The main gear has 6 tires on each side (two rows of three).
テイルコーンが直角に切れている 。3個のタイヤが2列並んだ6個のタイヤが両側についている。

B767 The tail cone is round and there are 4wheels on each side.


Identifier Table 識別表
.........Winglet .....Tail Cone....Engines....Wheels....Size ....Other
B737.....#1..........Round......2 on wings....2 x 2.....Small
B747 ...Yes #2....Round......4 on wings.....4 x 4................Hump
B757.....No....... Round ......2 on wings......2 x 2...Narrow Body
B767.....No........Round ......2 on wings......4 x 2...Wide Body...
.......................................................................................AirInlet beside tail
B777 ....No........Sq. cut .... 2 on wings......6 x 2 ...Very Wide Body
........................................................................................Air Inlet beside tail
MD11 ...Yes ......................3 One in Tail...3 x 4....Wide Body....#3
A320 ...Yes .......................2 on wings.......2 x 2....Smallest
A310 ...Yes .......................2 on wings.......2 x 2....Smaller than A300
A300 ...Yes .......................2 on wings......2 x 2....Smaller than B767
A330 ...Yes .......................2 on wings .....2 x 4....Large Wide Body
A340 ...Yes .......................4 on wings......2 x 4.....Narrow Body
A380 ...Yes .......................4 on wings......4 x 4.....Largest.Double Deck
#1: The B737 was manufactured without winglets. With todays high fuel prices, most operators are adding winglets. This gives a fuel savings of 5 to 7 %.
#2: Only the B747 - 400 has winglets. The other models do not.
#3: The Center gear on the MD - 11 has only 2 wheels.
#1 B737は製造段階ではウイングレットはなかったが、後付されているものが殆ど。石油価格の高騰のため、ウイングレットをつけることで点良否を5%~7%削減できる。
#2 B747の中でも、B747-400のみウイングレットが付いている。他のB747には付いていない。
#3 MD11には中央部には2個のタイヤしか付いていない。

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Fresh Flower Arrangement - Triangle

June 2007
Flowers Used: Bouvardia, Lilly, Eustoma russellianum, Allium sphaerocephalum,Carrot Flower, Aaplenium antiquum, Lazar Fern

California Highway 1

We drove our rent-a-car, Pontiac Grand Prix, on Highway One and crossed the Bixby Bridge. Driving this scenic coastal line was entirely free, which would be impossible in Japan. They would charge a very high toll. I recently recognized this highway was on an ad in Japan. The weather was typical, very foggy, in the morning.
ポンティアックに乗って、美しい海岸線に沿ったハイウエー1をドライブし、Bixby Bridgeを渡った。この道路が無料。日本では考えられない。先日Highway 1がコマーシャルで流れているのに気づいた。天候は霧。これもご当地名物。

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Monterey Cypress

Interesting shape of Cypress tree at Pacific Grove, a neighboring town of Monterey. The shape indicates the strength of wind from the sea. The shape of this tree reminded me of a scene in a Snoopy cartoon. Cypress trees are everywhere in Monterey.
面白い形をしたモントレー糸杉。その形から、モントレーの隣町のパシフィックグローブはかなり海風のきつさを表している。確か、こんな形の木が、スヌーピーの漫画に出てきていたと思うけど... ともかくモントレーには、Cypressだらけ。