Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fruit Basket & Succotash

What I like to do at MyD's house is, cooking. Cooking something different. I like to experiment with different recipes.

This was my first challenge to make a fruit basket. I made this as a welcome basket for Sandy, a 10-year -old Taiwanese girl who was also visiting.

This is a recipe using lima beans and corn. Combined they are called Succotash. This recipe is called "Scallops with Succotash and Parsley Drizzle." It was very tasty.


I like this bench so much.
This bench was hand made by MyD's friend and neighbor Norm. The surface of the wood shows the grain so beautifully. This is made from a locally grown spruce tree. Hanging from a peg on the lefthand side is a shoehorn that helps people put their shoes back on.
