Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Electronic Dictionary 電子辞書

When we have some gadgets that help us a lot, we will feel ultra happiness. My electronic dictionary is one of them. Today, computers and other products alike have all sorts of functions including a dictionary. Without having a dictionary, we are supposed to get by in reading foreign languages on the screen. However, having an electronic dictionary is much more convenient.  Dictionaries on the computer require changing screens back and forth and do not always provide proper translation.  I did bring a book version of a dictionary from Japan and tried to use it.  Unfortunately, I can no longer use it in my daily life.  It is just too bulky and too time consuming in use.  I love the gadget.  I have to write about the happiness of having a nice gadget.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Life in Alaska

I am enjoying life in Alaska a lot.  Since I came back from Florida, the temperature here is around 22F during the day time.  It is warm inside the house. We go cross-country skiing every day.  It is fun.  The other day, Thursday, March 8th, we saw a real beautiful green aurora. It was spectacular.   I was so excited.  Today, on our way home, the Kenai mountain looked so beautiful.  Oh my goodness, what a wonderful life I am leading!