Sunday, July 20, 2008

Halibut ハリバット

This is the halibut that I caught this summer. It was a baby halibut. When I was pulling to reel it in, I felt the fish was very big, like one of those I caught about ten years ago. My biggest catch so far is approximately 62 pounds. For such a big halibut, a gun is necessary to shoot the fish before pulling it up into the boat. If they are not shot, they can flop around and injure people. I fought with the fish a lot this time. Therefore, you can imagine how BIG my disappointment was when I saw this baby halibut.



TIDES 潮汐(ちょうせき) - MyD's Lecture MyDの講義

MyD has a very good memory. He can give me a lecture on tides off-hand with a sweet drawing. I want to say I know that because I learned these things in my elementary school, or junior high. I remember the events but not the contents. I can not explain as much as he does. I am jealous of his brain.
Anchorage Alaska has the second highest tide differential of any place in the world. Only the Bay of Fundy, which is between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in Canada, has a higher differential between high and low tides.
Tides result from the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. Since the moon is much closer to the earth, it has a larger effect on tides when compared to the sun. The biggest tides come near a full or new moon. During these times, the sun and moon are in a relatively straight line and therefore, their combined gravitational pull is greatest. Gravity pulls all ocean waters towards the equator. As the earth spins on its axis, high tides are created on two sides of the earth and low tides occur on the other two sides.

With a big tide, the difference between high and low can be close to 30 feet. With that much water flowing, the current can be very strong. This would not be a good time to go halibut fishing. Even with a very heavy weight, you can not keep your bait on the bottom and the bottom is where the halibut are.

The best tides for halibut fishing are normally just after a half moon. Then, the sun and moon are at right angles to each other. Their gravitational pull at right angles partially cancels their effect on the tides. The difference between high and low tide can be as little as 9.6 feet. Now you can keep your bait on the bottom and probably catch some halibut.

So, why are the smallest tides not exactly on the same day as a half moon? This is because the moons orbit around the earth is elliptical and therefore its distance from earth is constantly changing. Although the phase of the moon is important, its proximity to earth also plays a significant role Every January, we eagerly await the publishing of the new years tide tables. Then we can begin to plan our halibut and clam digging trips.

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