Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Flat Sally (Stanley) Project

Flat Stanley is about an ordinary boy who gets flattened when a bulletin board falls on him, he decides to make the best of it by traveling the world. He sends himself in an envelope to many different places and learns new songs and words in other languages.

Flat Stanley will be sent to someone who will enjoy taking care of him. A letter will be sent with Stanley to his recipient explaining the project and the date when Flat Stanley needs to be back to the student's class. Each Flat Stanley and his adventures will be displayed at Open House.

The recipient of Flat Stanley will include Stanley in many fun and creative adventures. Photos will be taken of him while doing different activities. The students will be communicating to Stanley's recipient by writing letters in response to the postcards, pictures, etc. It is a fun and creative way for the children in our class to write. It also makes the process of writing a lot more interesting! The children will be anxiously waiting for any letters, etc. (Described by Cryn)

What MyD, Granpa received was Flat Sally, instead of Flat Stanley.




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