Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Impending Danger - 山火事が接近中

Imagining myself living in between the mountains on fire and this lake is a scary idea. In fact, one of MyD's daughters is living there.

This photo was taken by a friend of MyD's daughter. It was taken across a lake that is within walking distance of their house (approximately 1/4 mile or 400 meters.) A scary picture, but none of the local houses were damaged. There was a lot of smoke and all the schools were closed. Otherwise, everything was okay (Quoted MyD's mail).


A view from Rancho Santa Margarita Lake (RSM Lake) to the north:
Trabuco Canyon on fire.

The wildfire started on October 21 by a 10-year-old boy with matches. The fire spread because of the wind. When the wind stopped, the smoke and ash from the fires came right above the house. The photo was taken at 10 am . There were no clouds in the sky, only smoke! Residents had to be inside all week and school is canceled because of the air quality (Quoted SDY's mail).

この山火事は10月21日に 10歳の男の子がマッチで遊んでいて発生したもの。風で火は瞬く間に広がった。風が止まると、煙や灰が充満した。写真は、朝10時に撮られたものだが、空には雲はなく、煙が空を完全に覆いつくした。住民は一週間ずっと家に閉じこまったままで、空気が悪い為学校も休校になった。(SDYのメールに手を加えたもの)

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