Thursday, September 6, 2012

食事ができてる Eating Meal


Immediately after her meal was served, my mother brought tofu (soybean curd) to her mouth out of a bowl of transparent Japanese soup and she swallowed.  What a relief to see.  She reacted spontaneously to eat and the function of swallowing is working.


The other day, I learned from a TV program, "ASA-ICHI" on NHK, that as a process of developing Alzheimer Disease, an elderly person might develop dysphagia. With this condition,  food does not properly go through the esophagus.  By then, the person might not recognize food as food, and reject to open their mouth.  Then, the option is to make a hole in their stomach and insert a gastrostomy tube to send nutrients directly to the stomach. This is a type of life support treatment.


When my mother was admitted to the current Long-term Care Health Facility, the medical director in charge asked me about life support treatment for my mother's terminal care.  I responded immediately that we do not want to have life support treatment for her.  My sisters agreed.  I regret, because I responded to the doctor without knowing fully what life support entailed.

I would like to mention on this occasion that I do not need Gastrostomy to sustain my life.

介護老人保健施設  Long-term Care Health Facility
延命 Life Support
胃ろう  Gastrostomy
終末期 Terminal Care
嚥下障害 Dysphagia

Reference:  NHK あさイチ 

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