Friday, October 2, 2009


The view outside from our patio at Hacienda Encantada was just gorgeous.  A panoramic view of the ocean.  In the distance, we could enjoy viewing the arch (El Arco), which is the landmark spot for Cabo San Lucas.  At night, we could hear the crashing sound and roar of waves hitting the shore.
ハシエンダエンカンターダホテルのベランダにでると紺碧の海が広がっています。遠くには、カボサンルカスで有名なEL ARCOというアーチ型の岩も見えます。夜には、懐かしい海の音が聞こえ心を落ち着かせてくれます。


They use vivid colors and cushions for bed room decorations in Mexico.


I found the bedroom decoration at Marina Fiesta and Hacienda Encantada hotels in Mexico to be funny.  They put swans formed from folded towels on the bed, one on a shower room towel hanger and one on the edge of a bath tub.
メキシコのホテル(Marina FiestaやHacienda Encantada)でのベッドメーキングはちょっと変わっています。タオルで鳥を折り紙のように作って部屋のあちこちに置いてお客様を歓迎してくれます。

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


AJ & Jackson moved into a new house. 
Here are the doors to their rooms. 
Their daddy created signage for them.


AJ likes racing cars. His bed is a racing car! 
Jackson likes trains.  His bed is a train! 
These beds were built by their daddy.


Monday, September 28, 2009


We visited MyD's friends, Ed & Chris's house on the from family camp out site in Three Rivers to MyD's daughters houses in Orange County.  Their house wad designed and built by themselves.  It is in Shell Beach and has a beautiful ocean view.  The hedge in fron is Rosemary. 
恒例のThree Riverでのファミリーキャンプ場を後にして、MyD娘達が住むOrange Countyに帰る途中、MyDの友達のEdとChris夫妻のお家に立ち寄らせて頂きました。自分達で設計して建てたお家はShell Beachと言うところにあり、家から海が見えとても綺麗なお家でした。手前に見える緑はローズマリーです。

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Beating a Drum

The home where my mother is staying had a festival on Saturday September 5th. I was able to spend a few hours with her. Included among the performers, was a Jappanese drum group. My mom was so excited and wanted to beat a drum by herself while she was watching the performance of this Japanese drum beating group. She had fun beating the air while watching the performance. Beating the drums seemed to be her biggest interest at the festival. We had a fun day together.


Flying Tiger

Don't sit on my favorite bench! Who are you?

Oh, you are Flying Tiger.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mom Walking

Today my mom is walking with her daughters, and with the help of a walker. She might not be interested in her daughters, as they are not as young as my mom's grand-kids. She is more interested in counting the stories of a high-rise building. One, two, three, four layers..... The walker has been provided by the rehabilitation center where she stays. They hope this will adjust my mother's way of walking. She tilts when she walks. She does not mind using the walker, but she often leans on it very strongly. I am not sure if her walking will be corrected by this device. Anyhow, my sisters look happy to chat with each other. We seldom have the chance to all be together like this. This heavily wooded street is a lovely place to walk.
今日は娘達と一緒に歩行器を使って散歩です。残念ながら、大きくなった娘達に余り興味がないようで、周りの建物が何階建てか数えるほうが重要です。1,2,3,4階建てか...てな具合です。歩行器は、老健が与えてくれたものです。母が傾いて歩くので、それを矯正しようと言う目的です。ずっと歩いていると、歩行器にもたれかかって歩いているので、その成果はどんなものか不明です。妹達は、久しぶりに一緒に会えて、綺麗な並木道を歩きながら 会話を楽しんでいます。

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Flowers in full bloom

Flowers on my veranda are in full bloom. To me, these are very unusual.

Pachystachys....Flowers are white part. Yellow part is ear. I have never seen these flowers.

Clerodendrum thomsoniae ...Red part is flower and white part is calyx.
源平かずら ...赤いのが花で、白いところが鍔だそうです。

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Mom with Her Grand Kids

Not sure if mom is aware with whom she is walking. She certainly looks very happy. I hope she is not thinking these two are her mother and father. We had a nice walk near her home on August 20, when her grand daughter came back from Toyko for summer vacation. This was the first time her grand daughter and grand son were able to visit my mom at her new home.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fruit Basket & Succotash

What I like to do at MyD's house is, cooking. Cooking something different. I like to experiment with different recipes.

This was my first challenge to make a fruit basket. I made this as a welcome basket for Sandy, a 10-year -old Taiwanese girl who was also visiting.

This is a recipe using lima beans and corn. Combined they are called Succotash. This recipe is called "Scallops with Succotash and Parsley Drizzle." It was very tasty.


I like this bench so much.
This bench was hand made by MyD's friend and neighbor Norm. The surface of the wood shows the grain so beautifully. This is made from a locally grown spruce tree. Hanging from a peg on the lefthand side is a shoehorn that helps people put their shoes back on.


Friday, May 29, 2009


My mom "graduated" from a nearby day service center. We used to refer to the center as "school" or "college" for the elderly, when we tried to convince her to go. Our anxieties were soothed when she seemed to socialize well with other people at the day service center. She was participating in a variety of activities there. She has been at a full-time care home since May 27, 2009.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

DATE & Kids

Dates are one of the specialties in Palm Springs. Shields Date Garden was where MyD and his sisters used to go and have Date Shakes. So I visited there. Unfortunately, we could not go out to the Date Palm Garden. Even if we could, it could have been too hot to be out there. The temperature was over F100 (About 35 degrees Celsius).
The taste of dates was yummy, not too sweet but makes you want to eat more. I would say the taste is in between that of high quality dried persimmon and sweet red bean paste.


I would like to introduce you to the kids who used to love Shields Date Shakes. Look at these photos. Weren't they so cute and lovable. The girls are MyD's sisters.

The mom looked so generous.

In deed, all of the kids loved her dearly and their father who was clad in Santa's clothes.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Flowers, Lantana, were found in Palm Springs, and many areas of Southern California.

Flying Tigers

Flying Tigers is an important company for my current company. Ironically, Flying Tigers fought against Japan in the Japan-China War. Flying Tigers is the popular name for the American Volunteer Group (AVG).  The aircraft that they flew , a Curtiss P-40, was on display at the Palm Springs Air Museum. Some of the volunteers from this group created the company of Flying Tigers after the war.


Rancho Mirage

This is the view out of my hotel in Rancho Mirage - a neighboring city of Palm Springs. The hotel is built on Indian land in the middle of a desert. Since the hotel is on Indian land, it is legal for them to have gambling there in a casino. The overlooking hill on the foreground is the world longest stationary sand dune according to the Celebrity Tour guide. The mountain in the background resulted from uplift-an awesome force of nature which fascinates me a lot.


Frank Sinatra's House

Many celebrities built houses in Palm Springs, including this one of Frank Sinatra’s houses. The reason why so many celebrities built homes in Palm Springs is that Hollywood stars were required to be within 100 miles of Hollywood while filming was being done. Palm Springs is 98 miles from Hollywood. The tour guide also related many scandals that were created here such as JF Kennedy’s adulteries.
写真のフランクシナトラの家など大勢の有名人の家がここパームスプリングにあります。ハリウッドで撮影中はハリウッドから100マイル以内に居を構える必要があるのでこの地が選ばれたそうです。パームスプリングはハリウッドから98マイルのところにあります。セレブリティという会社のツアーガイドさんは、JF ケネディー大統領の浮気話などこの地で生まれた様々なスキャンダルをたっぷりと紹介してくれました。

Palm Springs & MyD's Grandma

I went to Palm Springs last week.
This area happens to be where MyD’s Grandma used to live in Palm Springs. She lived in a small trailer park that was only two blocks from the main street in Palm Springs (Palm Canyon Drive). This street was where MyD and his sisters were walking and running around when they were kids. In those days, these were the only buildings and all other areas were just desert. Today, the city stretches for miles beyond this point.

先週パームスプリングに行って来ました。偶然にも、この写真の辺りがMyDのお婆様が住んでいた所だそうです。小さなキャンピングカーを住まいにしていてPalm Canyon Driveと言うメイン道路から二本入ったところにトレーラーパークがあったそうです。この写真の辺りをまさに、MyDやお姉さんと妹さんが子供の頃遊びまわっていた所だそうです。

Automatic Water Sprinkler

I bought an automatic water sprinkler before I left for the U.S., and set a timer to sprinkle water. It worked well. My flowers did not die and they have many more blossoms. I am glad they are alive as I am looking forward to seeing them in full blooms. The name of this flower is California Rose Fiesta.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Yogurt Pom Pom

I made an apple cake, called Yogurt Pom Pom. This is the best apple cake I ever had in my life.
The burnt area is so tasty in particular. I tried several times. I tried to add almond powder. I reduced the amount of sugar. I decorated the top with apple. However, following the original recipe is the best. I could not find the proper apple for this cake.
If I use the proper one, it should be even tastier.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cherry Blossoms Viewing with Mom 母とお花見




Cherry blossoms in full bloom.
Mom seemed to enjoy the sight,
but has no memory of this view.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Spaghetti Squash with Halibut Saurce                      ハリバットソースのそうめんカボチャ

I recently had a very interesting and rare dish while in the U.S. It is called spaghetti with halibut sauce. Instead of using regular spaghetti, we used spaghetti squash. This squash has so much fiber that, after steaming, it can be shredded with a fork and will look like spaghetti.

 I do not think I have seen this kind of squash in Japan.
This is a spaghetti squash. 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

NEW YEAR'S COOKING - 2009年の正月料理

This year's (2009) new year cooking. The one in a casserole dish is Tofu casserole.


Flowers at home. 我が家にも花が

A pansy plant was given to my mother by the day care center. It has grown to have tens of flowers. A pot of Cyclamen was given as the prize at a year end lottery. Blue daisies, yellow Julian, red Gerbera and cabbage flowers were added. They are turning out to be a pretty flower arrangement.

Blue daisies, yellow Julian,

Rice Pounding 餅つき

"Some type of a Japanese traditional event is being conducted in the neighborhood. Would you like to come and see what it is?" This is what MyD came back and reported to me on December 30, 2008.「マンションの前の家の庭で日本の伝統的な行事らしいものが行われているよ。ちょっと来てみてくれない?」とMyDが私を引っ張り出した。日付は2008年12月30日。

Oh yes, it is one of the traditional events that we seldom see today. It was rice pounding to make rice balls by a neighborhood family. They let MyD pound. It was a fun experience.