Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Spaghetti Squash with Halibut Saurce                      ハリバットソースのそうめんカボチャ

I recently had a very interesting and rare dish while in the U.S. It is called spaghetti with halibut sauce. Instead of using regular spaghetti, we used spaghetti squash. This squash has so much fiber that, after steaming, it can be shredded with a fork and will look like spaghetti.

 I do not think I have seen this kind of squash in Japan.
This is a spaghetti squash. 

This is the spaghetti squash after being cut in half. The seeds and their fibers are removed before steaming.

This is after being steamed and the shredding process with a fork.


This is the result after being shredded. This squash may have been over steamed. Otherwise, the strands of fiber might have been longer.
こんな風になります。 今回はちょっと蒸しすぎたので、繊維の長さが短くなりました。通常はもう少し長いそうです。
This is the shredded spaghetti squash with the halibut sauce on top. Mmmm....It was yummy.

Spaghetti squash is very healthy and tasty.

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