Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas arrangement

Christmas arrangement for 2007 with yellow cedar.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Mother Was Saved Again

My sister reported to me that my mother was saved once again by an unknown person. This time, my mother received a name card so I was able to contact the person who helped her. My mother lost her way at around 8:00 o'clock at night, although she did not admit to me that she had been lost. She was very wise to ask where she was at an electric shop nearby. A sales person of that shop drove her to our home. However, he was unsure if she knew the location of her home. Therefore, he left his name card with her and told her if she got lost again, she could show that name card to someone, and he would come to help her.....

Today, I happened to buy a different radio for my mother, because the one I had previously bought was too difficult for my mother to tune in. This new one has a big switch on the button and a broadcasting company can be found easily by pressing a button on which a station is pre-arranged. I should have bought this radio from that electric shop. I will go there and buy something from that shop as my way of thanking them for assisting my mother . By the way, I told my mother that the radio was a prize from my tennis match today. The prize happened to be what we needed. My mother is wholeheartedly happy with this new radio, because I did not spend any money to get this radio and it is very easy to use.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Impending Danger - 山火事が接近中

Imagining myself living in between the mountains on fire and this lake is a scary idea. In fact, one of MyD's daughters is living there.

This photo was taken by a friend of MyD's daughter. It was taken across a lake that is within walking distance of their house (approximately 1/4 mile or 400 meters.) A scary picture, but none of the local houses were damaged. There was a lot of smoke and all the schools were closed. Otherwise, everything was okay (Quoted MyD's mail).


A view from Rancho Santa Margarita Lake (RSM Lake) to the north:
Trabuco Canyon on fire.

The wildfire started on October 21 by a 10-year-old boy with matches. The fire spread because of the wind. When the wind stopped, the smoke and ash from the fires came right above the house. The photo was taken at 10 am . There were no clouds in the sky, only smoke! Residents had to be inside all week and school is canceled because of the air quality (Quoted SDY's mail).

この山火事は10月21日に 10歳の男の子がマッチで遊んでいて発生したもの。風で火は瞬く間に広がった。風が止まると、煙や灰が充満した。写真は、朝10時に撮られたものだが、空には雲はなく、煙が空を完全に覆いつくした。住民は一週間ずっと家に閉じこまったままで、空気が悪い為学校も休校になった。(SDYのメールに手を加えたもの)

Sunday, November 4, 2007


This is San Frncisco International Airport, looking across the bay. The photos were taken from Sea Front Park where many airport hotels are located. This was the best site I have seen to observe aircraft departing and landing. I am so proud of myself for being able to find this site, because MyD who used to be a pilot and who must have stayed at this location many times, has never known of this place. This location was a wonderful present of scenary to me by stepping out of a hotel.  
サンフランシスコ国際空港を対岸から見た写真です。空港ホテルが立ち並ぶ地域にシーフロントパークと言う散歩道を見つけました。それが、飛行機の離着陸を見るのに最高の場所です。元パイロットで何回もここに滞在したことのある筈のMyDが知らなかったと言うことで、私は少し誇りに思っています。 ホテルの外を歩けばこんなすばらしいプレゼントがあったのを知らなかったなんて...

The site of the airport was like a long spit so that the entire view could not be taken in one shot.

Three Rivers - スリーリバーズ

This is the family camp groud where MyD's families and relatives get together every year in late September. This location is called Three Rivers. The name of the campground is Kaweah Park Resort.
ここがファミリーキャンプの場所です。毎年、9月の末に家族や親戚が集まり週末を一緒に過ごします。ここはスリーリバーズと呼ばれ、キャンプの場所はKaweah Park Resortと呼ばれるところです。

It is located adjacent to the Kaweah River just below where the North and South forks come together. Thus the name of the area is called Three Rivers. Both kids and adults can swim here and have a fun time but this year it was too cold to swim.

It is only seven miles from the entrance to Sequoia National Park where the giant sequioa (redwood) trees are located. The surrounding hills are the foothills to the Sierra Nevada Mountains. These are often referred to as the High Sierras. Yousemite, and Mamoth Moutain are part of the High Sierras.(Written mainly by MyD)

Sierra Nevada Mountains are at the background.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Motorhome モーターホーム

This is our motorhome for our family camp out. It is because of the U.S. that we can drive around in such a huge motorhome, but not in Japan. By the way, there was a language issue again. This is called a motorhome in the U.S., not a camping car. It doesn't matter whichever word you use. But I felt I was laughed at by using a word, "camping car".
Motorhome C28
Size: 7.9-8.8m (26'-29')
Accommodations capacity(収容人数): 3 adults and 3 kids.

This is the kichen. It is compact, but there is everything necessary. There is a bedroom in the background and a shower-room and toilet in between.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Are these two the same? この二人は同一人物?

These two look quite alike. The relationship is grandson and grandpa.
(Left)JD:Two years old...2007
(Right) DA:older than 2 years old.(Born in 1942).

Birthday & Black Balloons 誕生日と黒い風船

When I was at school, I learned -- at 40, people have no doubt about themselves and at 50, they learn their own destiny, according to Confucius. In this saying, I believed there was no negative feeling in becoming the age of 40.


In contrast, celebrating 40th birthday in the U.S. was quite a surprise to me. The color of black was used to celebrate, such as black balloons to decorate a room and black candles for a birthday cake. After a brief research on the 40th birthday, I recognized that it probably shows people's gloomy feeling. The person's prime time is over on that day (Over the hill). No one wants to get older. Still, everyone is happy to have a celebration. The color of black must be indicating such people's complicated feeling. Birthdays that end in a zero are looked at as milestones in a person's life, primarily 30, 40, and 50.

The celebration continues for a few weeks with funny tricks and surprises. The photos here are part of the leftover of the celebration, conducted at a family camp ground (Kaweah Park Resort).

今回ファミリーキャンプで行われた40歳のお祝いの一部に参加した。驚いたことに、黒い色がお祝いに使われている。例えば、部屋お飾るフウセンは黒、バースデーケーキのロウソクも黒。色々と調べてみた結果、結局、黒色は人の気持ちを表しているのだと思う。40歳とは、人生の最盛期を過ぎ、下り坂へと向かうばかり(Over the hill)。だれも年寄りにはなりたくないけどお誕生日を祝ってもらえるのは嬉しい。黒色はそんな複雑な人の気持ちを表しているのかもしれない。30歳、40歳、50歳大台に乗るときが人生の重要な節目と考えられているので精一杯のお祝いを行うのでしょう。

そのお祝いは2~3週間続き、日々、様々な驚きを仕掛け、40歳のお祝いを楽しんでいた。写真は、その残骸の一部で親戚達が集まるキャンプサイト(Kaweah Park Resort)で行われた。

Exterior decoration for the 4oth birthday. Items indicating getting old are displayed.

Interior decoration. 部屋の中の飾りつけ。

Black balloons were used to decorate the room. The photos were taken after the event.

Photos provided by MyD.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Not Pumpkins - バンプキンじゃない?

Sometimes, people encounter a taste that is unforgettable. For me, at this moment, it is baked squash with butter and brown sugar. It was served by MyD's son-in-law. I wanted to find the squash and prepare it myself. At a supermarket in Orange county, California, I looked for squash and was able to find them. However, there were many different kinds of squash. I have never seen these kinds before in Japan. The shape looked like pumpkins. Still, they were called squash. According to a web-site, pumpkins are a kind of squash. The one I would like to find is called "Acorn Squash". I could not figure out which one was Acorn Squash.

A squash basket at Ralphs, Orange County, California.


Fortunately, a web-site showed a photo of Acorn Squash. Next time I am in the U.S., I would like to find this squash and try to bake it with butter and brown sugar. Baking time is an hour and half.

Photo taken from


By the way, the word "squash" is not an easy word for me to understand. So far, squash has meant to me either to play squash as a sport or to drink squash (juice soda) in England. Therefore, it was hard to imagine squash refers to a group of pumpkins. There are many different types of squash. Most are good to eat and a healthy vegetable. Pumpkin in the U.S. refers to the one to creat a Jack-O'-Lantern, rather than to eat. Languages are difficult.

Monday, October 8, 2007


I am so impressed by American fathers ..... they express their happiness of anticipating their baby by preparing their kid's room in this way. How wonderful!

This is a fantasy world for me! I wish I had such a sweet room when I was a kid. This was decorated by MyD's granddaughter's father (MyD's son-in-low).


In addition to her own room, there is another kid's house in the garden. Of course, it was created by her father. Unfortunately, the photo is not available.


Kid's daddy drew this wall painting.   I am so fascinated by his creativity. This was also painted by MyD's different son-in-low.
子供の為にお父さんが準備した部屋です。 すばらしい創造力に感服しました。 これも、MyDの又別の義理の息子が描いたものです。

Sunday, October 7, 2007

MEALS IN CABO カボでの食べもの

Meals in restaurants at Cabo San Lucas have changed a lot after the APEC held in 2002. Can I say they have become more"sofisticated" or become more like French. They tastes just wonderful. In addition to those non-Mexican type dishes, we can still find some Mexican foods as well.
This year, we challenged to eat at Japanese restaurants. This was a roll dish. It looked good and tasted so good. I will not find this Japanese dish in Japan.


After fishing, as our boat comes closer to the bay, pelicans and frigates are hovering above us to search for their meat. Knowing that, MyD throws a leftover live bait fish up to them. It is a big feast. A swarm of birds comes to catch the fish. At this time, frigates came to pick it up.

On this day, Sep.30, pelicans missed to catch the bait fish.

As a result, pelicans were looking for the lost fish in the sea.

"MUY BUENO, PERO .... " とっても綺麗だけど....

This is the bay of Cabo with a cruise ship. At the forefront, there are waverunners.  This photo was taken by MyD. Isn't it nice? I feel a kind of humor as well because the waverunners on the forefront look like a couple.
Cabo has such a beautiful beach. カボの砂浜はこんなにも美しい。

However, there are so many vendors, asking you to buy something.  Those vendors are not only at the beach, but also on the streets. Tourists can never walk around without them in this town..
しかしながら、余りにも多い物売り達。浜辺のみならず、街中でも、彼らを避けては通れない。 This year, I took this chance to learn Spanish. "Muy Bueno, pero, no me gusta. Gracias. (It's so beautiful, but I don't like it)"
今年は彼らを嫌がらずに、スペイン語の学習に役立てることにした。"Muy Bueno, pero, no me gusta. Gracias. " 「綺麗だけど私の好みじゃないわ。ありがとう!」

There are many other vendors here, such as cajoling us for activity reservations or even time share as a name of "welcoming package". What we will practice next year is "Dejame solo por favor.(Leave us alone!)".
物売りの他にもスノーケリングなどのアクティビティの予約をとろうと我々に声を掛けてくる。タイムシェアを売りつけようとして、ホテルでは「ウエルカムパッケージ」と言う名で客を攻めてくる。来年の練習する言葉は”デイハメイ ソロ ポ ファヴォー”「うるせーんだよ!」というスペイン語。


Three ladies are fighting hard to catch big fish - Blue Marlin, Dorado and Yellow Fin Tuna respectively. They are so strong! Men are watching us and taking photos...

3人の女性がそれぞれ、マーリン、ドラードとキハダマグロと必死で戦っています。 皆んな、逞しい女性達です。 男性陣はそんな女性をただ見つめ、写真を撮ってるだけなんです...

Blue Marlin


Yellow Fin Tuna

However, we felt great satisfaction after having successfully caught our big catch.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Cabo San Lucas - Fishing

This is our boat, Sol Mar IV (34 feet). This is a very confortable boat. More than anything else, it has a pole holder on each seat. That will greatly help when we need to fight hard for fishing.
このSOL MAR IV (34フィート)が我々お好みのボートです。とっても乗りやすく何より釣竿を固定するポールホールダーがシートに付いているので魚と戦うときに大変役に立ちます。

We were happy to have nice crews. These are the Captain, Mario (left), and the deck hand, Manuel (right).

As the boat launched at around 6:30 am, the sun gradually comes out.

This year, we were able to catch lots of fish at Cabo San Lucas. When we could not catch, there was a show of dolphins. So many dolphins were swimming so close to our boat and jumping up high and down. It was a great fun.  今年はカボサンルカスでたくさん魚が釣れた。釣れないときには、いるかの群れがボートの周りを泳ぎジャンプしたりして、自然のいるかのショーを楽しんだ。

So difficult to shoot dolphins. The black spots in the sea are dolphins.

Where dolphins swim, tuna swims. We caught two big yellow fin tunas on this day.

These are the fish we caught.

  A bonita       A dorado              A small Yellow fin tuna.
  かつお          ドラード              小さなキハダマグロ。

These flags show what fish and how many of them were caught on the day.

Fish record for this year for two weeks and for a few days.
* Dorado: Caught 62, released 22
Gave 10 to crew, also gave some fish to bellmen and 1 shop sales clerk.
* Yellow Fin Tuna: 11.
* Bonita: 2
* Marlin strikes: 5
Able to bring only one to the boat (See above photo under the caption "FisherWomen").
The captain (Mario) said it would have weighed
between 450 and 500 pounds (207 - 227 kilos).

ドラード: 62 リリース22
キハダマグロ: 11
かつお: 2
      キャプテンのマリオによると恐らく450-500ポンド(207-227kgs)程していたとのことです。(Photos taken by MyD are included.)