このSOL MAR IV (34フィート)が我々お好みのボートです。とっても乗りやすく何より釣竿を固定するポールホールダーがシートに付いているので魚と戦うときに大変役に立ちます。

We were happy to have nice crews. These are the Captain, Mario (left), and the deck hand, Manuel (right).

As the boat launched at around 6:30 am, the sun gradually comes out.

This year, we were able to catch lots of fish at Cabo San Lucas. When we could not catch, there was a show of dolphins. So many dolphins were swimming so close to our boat and jumping up high and down. It was a great fun. 今年はカボサンルカスでたくさん魚が釣れた。釣れないときには、いるかの群れがボートの周りを泳ぎジャンプしたりして、自然のいるかのショーを楽しんだ。
So difficult to shoot dolphins. The black spots in the sea are dolphins.

These are the fish we caught.

These flags show what fish and how many of them were caught on the day.
Fish record for this year for two weeks and for a few days.
* Dorado: Caught 62, released 22
Gave 10 to crew, also gave some fish to bellmen and 1 shop sales clerk.
* Yellow Fin Tuna: 11.
* Bonita: 2
* Marlin strikes: 5
Able to bring only one to the boat (See above photo under the caption "FisherWomen").
The captain (Mario) said it would have weighed
between 450 and 500 pounds (207 - 227 kilos).
ドラード: 62 リリース22
キハダマグロ: 11
かつお: 2
キャプテンのマリオによると恐らく450-500ポンド(207-227kgs)程していたとのことです。(Photos taken by MyD are included.)
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