
Sorry for this blurred photo. But at least I was able to catch one Mayfly. There were so many mayflies in the evening of July 6. A swarm of Mayflies was flying over the Kenai River when I was there. I was also told that this year their flight was late.
In most areas of the U.S they hatch and swarm in May. Thus the name Mayfly. In Alaska, they usually fly along the river bank in June. They stay close to the river, and do not come near the house. They have a very short life span. To me, it was a surprise to see flies in Alaska, where it is not hot. This fly seems to be different from what we see in Japan (both in appearance and behavior). According to some information, they fly only over clean water. A swarm of Mayflies means they are mating. Male Mayflies fly up and down. Females fly through the swarm on a "fly-by" according to a website http://www.onthelake.net/fishing/mayflies.htm. Next time when I see them, I will watch them closely to see if there are those flying up and down and those who are flying through.

In most areas of the U.S they hatch and swarm in May. Thus the name Mayfly. In Alaska, they usually fly along the river bank in June. They stay close to the river, and do not come near the house. They have a very short life span. To me, it was a surprise to see flies in Alaska, where it is not hot. This fly seems to be different from what we see in Japan (both in appearance and behavior). According to some information, they fly only over clean water. A swarm of Mayflies means they are mating. Male Mayflies fly up and down. Females fly through the swarm on a "fly-by" according to a website http://www.onthelake.net/fishing/mayflies.htm. Next time when I see them, I will watch them closely to see if there are those flying up and down and those who are flying through.

ピンボケの写真で申し訳ありませんが、必死で捕らえた一匹のメイフライ(カゲロウ)です。7/6の夕方にこのメイフライの大群がキーナイ川に沿って飛んでいました。今年はメイフライの飛来も遅かったそうです。通常は 五月に孵化し一団となって飛ぶのでMAYFLYと呼ばれるそうです。カゲロウは水面を飛び人が住む家の方にやってきません。彼らの命はカゲロウのごとく儚いところから、日本名が付いたそうです。英語の語彙力不足の私は、アラスカのように涼しいところで何故ハエがと思いました。このフライは、日本でいういわゆるハエとは違いました。このフライは綺麗な水を好みます。一群となって飛ぶということは異性を求めているとのこと。オスは上下に飛び、メスは群れの中を突き進んで飛んでいくとのことですが、次回、この時期にアラスカに行った時はは、彼らの飛び方をよく観察してみます。
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