B777 because the tail cone is square cut. The main gear has 6 tires on each side (two rows of three).
テイルコーンが直角に切れている 。3個のタイヤが2列並んだ6個のタイヤが両側についている。

Identifier Table 識別表
.........Winglet .....Tail Cone....Engines....Wheels....Size ....Other
B737.....#1..........Round......2 on wings....2 x 2.....Small
B747 ...Yes #2....Round......4 on wings.....4 x 4................Hump
B757.....No....... Round ......2 on wings......2 x 2...Narrow Body
B767.....No........Round ......2 on wings......4 x 2...Wide Body...
.......................................................................................AirInlet beside tail
B777 ....No........Sq. cut .... 2 on wings......6 x 2 ...Very Wide Body
........................................................................................Air Inlet beside tail
MD11 ...Yes ......................3 One in Tail...3 x 4....Wide Body....#3
A320 ...Yes .......................2 on wings.......2 x 2....Smallest
A310 ...Yes .......................2 on wings.......2 x 2....Smaller than A300
A300 ...Yes .......................2 on wings......2 x 2....Smaller than B767
A330 ...Yes .......................2 on wings .....2 x 4....Large Wide Body
A340 ...Yes .......................4 on wings......2 x 4.....Narrow Body
A380 ...Yes .......................4 on wings......4 x 4.....Largest.Double Deck
#1: The B737 was manufactured without winglets. With todays high fuel prices, most operators are adding winglets. This gives a fuel savings of 5 to 7 %.
#2: Only the B747 - 400 has winglets. The other models do not.
#3: The Center gear on the MD - 11 has only 2 wheels.
#1 B737は製造段階ではウイングレットはなかったが、後付されているものが殆ど。石油価格の高騰のため、ウイングレットをつけることで点良否を5%~7%削減できる。
#2 B747の中でも、B747-400のみウイングレットが付いている。他のB747には付いていない。
#3 MD11には中央部には2個のタイヤしか付いていない。
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