Pilots are crazy, not all, but at least one ex-pilot. Whenever an aircraft flies over, MyD stops, looks up into the sky and checks the aircraft. Pilots waiting for taking-off in the cockpit are also trying to kill their time by checking each aircraft model. They must know what is the make. At Narita airport, I was taught how to identify each aircraft. I tried to remember, but I forgot all. Here are some of my attempts.
B777 because the tail cone is square cut. The main gear has 6 tires on each side (two rows of three).
テイルコーンが直角に切れている 。3個のタイヤが2列並んだ6個のタイヤが両側についている。
B767 The tail cone is round and there are 4wheels on each side.
Identifier Table 識別表
.........Winglet .....Tail Cone....Engines....Wheels....Size ....Other
B737.....#1..........Round......2 on wings....2 x 2.....Small
B747 ...Yes #2....Round......4 on wings.....4 x 4................Hump
B757.....No....... Round ......2 on wings......2 x 2...Narrow Body
B767.....No........Round ......2 on wings......4 x 2...Wide Body...
.......................................................................................AirInlet beside tail
B777 ....No........Sq. cut .... 2 on wings......6 x 2 ...Very Wide Body
........................................................................................Air Inlet beside tail
MD11 ...Yes ......................3 One in Tail...3 x 4....Wide Body....#3
A320 ...Yes .......................2 on wings.......2 x 2....Smallest
A310 ...Yes .......................2 on wings.......2 x 2....Smaller than A300
A300 ...Yes .......................2 on wings......2 x 2....Smaller than B767
A330 ...Yes .......................2 on wings .....2 x 4....Large Wide Body
A340 ...Yes .......................4 on wings......2 x 4.....Narrow Body
A380 ...Yes .......................4 on wings......4 x 4.....Largest.Double Deck
#1: The B737 was manufactured without winglets. With todays high fuel prices, most operators are adding winglets. This gives a fuel savings of 5 to 7 %.
#2: Only the B747 - 400 has winglets. The other models do not.
#3: The Center gear on the MD - 11 has only 2 wheels.
#1 B737は製造段階ではウイングレットはなかったが、後付されているものが殆ど。石油価格の高騰のため、ウイングレットをつけることで点良否を5%~7%削減できる。
#2 B747の中でも、B747-400のみウイングレットが付いている。他のB747には付いていない。
#3 MD11には中央部には2個のタイヤしか付いていない。
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