No, this is a sea otter at the
Monterey Bay Aquarium. It was my first time to see the entire body of a sea otter. There are many marine animals in
Monterey Bay. Walking along the bay is a natural setting of an
aquarium. I was able to see a lot of sea otters floating in the bay at a distance, and pelicans were flying over them in a line.

Seals were laying down on rocks. It is interesting to see the difference in the color of the fur. Probably, the white one is a baby seal and the gray one is a parent. At a beach, called the Hopkins State Marine Reserve, baby seals are born in April and May. During that period, human beings are required to stay away from them. I was able to peek in through a netted wall and saw so many seals on the beach.
アザラシが岩の上で休んでいる。毛皮の色の違いが面白い。たぶん白いのが子供で、グレーが親。Hopkins State Marine Reserveという海岸はアザラシの保護地域。4月から五月が出産の頃で、この時期に人間が近寄るのは禁止されている。網の壁の向こう側にはたくさんのアザラシが寝転んでいるのが見えた。
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