Flowers Used: Rose, Delphinium, Blue Lace, Lazar Fern, and Bupleurum.
Assembly: The length of the vertical delphinium should be 1.5 thimes the height of the vase to be used. Two additional pieces of delphinium are inserted from the side to form the horizontal part of the inverted T. The length of these pieces should be 3/4 of the length that is used to form the vertical line. Insert the 3 pieces of delphinium into the oasis, so as to form the inverted T. The horizontal line should be near the top of the vase. Next, select a large rose (color of your choice). The rose will become the focal point of the arrangement. Insert the rose into the oasis with a 30 degree tilt up, and slightly above the horizontal line. Then fill in any gaps with the remaing flowers. Pieces of the lasar fern are then inserted to provide accent where desired. The finished arrangement should appear to be an inverted T, not a triangle.
バラ デルフィニウム(飛燕草) アリウムコアニー (白の小さい花、ねぎ科) ブルーレースフラワー レザーファン ブプレリューム
Marianne Sora Rose *
**Sora Rose is made of chips of sora plants stems. Sora plants are dried water-weeds which grow in the rice paddies
*ソーラーローズとは、「 ソーラープランツ」という稲の間で成長する水草を乾燥させ、その茎の皮をナイフで削いて作られたものです。
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