Banana Cake
* 1 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup butter 2 eggs 3 ripe bananas
cream-mix these ingredients together until smooth
* In another bowl mix 2 cups flour 2 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt
* In another bowl mix 1/2 cup sour (buttermilk)" milk 1 tsp soda
"Buttermilk can be make sour milk by mixing plain milk with 1 Tbs vinegar
Mix banana mixture and flour mixture together gradually adding milk mixture to them
At the last add 1 tsp vanilla. 1 cup chopped walnuts (if you like).
Bake at 350f for 45 minutes
Banana Cake
* 砂糖1 1/2 カップ(375cc) バター1/2カップ(125cc) 卵2個 完熟したバナナ3本
* 小麦粉カップ2(アメリカの1カップは250cc) ベーキングパウダー小さじ2 塩小さじ1/4を
* バターミルク1/2 (なければ牛乳に大匙1杯の酢を入れて作る) 炭酸小さじ1
バナナミックスと粉を良く混ぜ、バターミルクを少しずつたらして混ぜる。最後にバニラを小さじ1混ぜ、好みでくるみの砕いたものを入れる。 170度で45分焼く。(オーブンの種類によってもっと短くても良い)
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Yoshie! This receipe orginally came from my Great Grandmother. When she first came West to California, she traveled part of the way on what was then called a wagon train. People traveled in covered wagons that were pulled by horses. When it was time to stop for the night, they would put the wagons in a circle, to provide a better defense against raids by Indians.
This is a very interesting comment for me to learn about old America. Before she came West to California, where had she live?
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