This is NLD's recipe. MyD and I baked it and turned out very good. The cake is placed on a beautiful potpad which was made by Nlda. It is a Christmas Present, a very special present for me. Thank you!
Banana Cake
* 1 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup butter 2 eggs 3 ripe bananas
cream-mix these ingredients together until smooth
* In another bowl mix 2 cups flour 2 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt
* In another bowl mix 1/2 cup sour (buttermilk)" milk 1 tsp soda
"Buttermilk can be make sour milk by mixing plain milk with 1 Tbs vinegar
Mix banana mixture and flour mixture together gradually adding milk mixture to them
At the last add 1 tsp vanilla. 1 cup chopped walnuts (if you like).
Bake at 350f for 45 minutes
私の大好きなアメリカ人の妹のレシピです。彼女流の作り方で日本で作ってみましたが、難しいのは同じ材料が手に入らないこと。それと、量がもう一つクリアでないこと。アメリカの計量スプーンはもちろん持っているけどtspってtea spoonの略なのか、table spoonの略なのか、いざつくり始めたら判らなくなった。2回目はMyDと一緒に作ってうまく行った。写真が2度目の作品だが、下に敷いているなべ敷きは、彼女の手作りのキルトです。私にクリスマスプレゼントとして作ってくれたものだそうです。
Banana Cake
* 砂糖1 1/2 カップ(375cc) バター1/2カップ(125cc) 卵2個 完熟したバナナ3本
* 小麦粉カップ2(アメリカの1カップは250cc) ベーキングパウダー小さじ2 塩小さじ1/4を
* バターミルク1/2 (なければ牛乳に大匙1杯の酢を入れて作る) 炭酸小さじ1
バナナミックスと粉を良く混ぜ、バターミルクを少しずつたらして混ぜる。最後にバニラを小さじ1混ぜ、好みでくるみの砕いたものを入れる。 170度で45分焼く。(オーブンの種類によってもっと短くても良い)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Fire Rainbow (link)彩雲 - Circumhorizontal arc 環水平アーク
I wish I could have take this photo myself. Well, this rare photo was forwarded to me from the US. How happy I am!
"This is a fire rainbow - the rarest of all naturally occurring atmospheric phenomena. The picture was captured this week on the Idaho/Washington border. The event lasted about one hour. The clouds have to be cirrus(link), at least 20K feet in the air, with just the right amount of ice crystals and the sun has to hit the clouds at precisely 58 degrees. " MyD explained about cirrus. It is created very high up in the sky,where the temperature is about minus 40 degrees Celsius. Therefore, cirrus is made of ice crystal. When the sun penetrates the ice crystal, cirrus becomes like a prism, reflecting beautiful lights of rainbow. If you are flying in the cockpit of an airplain, you will have more chances to see this wonderful lighting show. Cirrus is described as wispy clouds or mane clouds in the US. In Japan, it is called fiber clouds..... Well, as I searched more about Fire Rainbow, I found the same photo on a web (link). More details are found on the web.
ファイアーレインボウと呼ぶそうです。日本語では彩雲と呼んでも間違いではないそうです。私が自分で撮った写真であれば嬉しいのですが、非常に珍しい写真なのでアメリカから送られてきました。今年、米国アイダホ州とワシントン州の州境で約1時間に渡って見られたそうです。この雲は筋雲(券雲)(link)で少なくとも20,000フィート(6000m)以上の上空で、この現象が発生するのに適切な量の氷の結晶があり、太陽が58度の角度から差し込んだときに発生するそうです。MyDによると、氷の結晶とはすなわち券雲のことで、券雲は雲の中で一番高度の高い、空気の冷たいマイナス40度位のところで発生するので、券雲は氷の結晶から成り立っているそうです。太陽光が氷の結晶に差し込むとプリズムの役割を果たし、このような美しい虹色の雲ができるそうです。飛行機の操縦席に座っていれば、この美しい光のショウを見るチャンスは結構あるそうです。アメリカでは、券雲はウイスピーとか馬のたてがみ雲とか呼ばれるようです。日本語では筋雲、なんて訳すのか、結局ウイスピーでいいのかも。ファイバーという言葉を選んだけど。.... ファイアーレインボウについてウエブで調べていたらあるウエブ(link)で同じ写真を見つけました。もっと詳しい情報が載っています。
Fresh Flower Arrangements-生花に挑戦
April 2007
Flowers Used: Rose, Delphinium, Blue Lace, Lazar Fern, and Bupleurum.
Assembly: The length of the vertical delphinium should be 1.5 thimes the height of the vase to be used. Two additional pieces of delphinium are inserted from the side to form the horizontal part of the inverted T. The length of these pieces should be 3/4 of the length that is used to form the vertical line. Insert the 3 pieces of delphinium into the oasis, so as to form the inverted T. The horizontal line should be near the top of the vase. Next, select a large rose (color of your choice). The rose will become the focal point of the arrangement. Insert the rose into the oasis with a 30 degree tilt up, and slightly above the horizontal line. Then fill in any gaps with the remaing flowers. Pieces of the lasar fern are then inserted to provide accent where desired. The finished arrangement should appear to be an inverted T, not a triangle.
バラ デルフィニウム(飛燕草) アリウムコアニー (白の小さい花、ねぎ科) ブルーレースフラワー レザーファン ブプレリューム
March 2007
Marianne Sora Rose *
**Sora Rose is made of chips of sora plants stems. Sora plants are dried water-weeds which grow in the rice paddies
*ソーラーローズとは、「 ソーラープランツ」という稲の間で成長する水草を乾燥させ、その茎の皮をナイフで削いて作られたものです。
Flowers Used: Rose, Delphinium, Blue Lace, Lazar Fern, and Bupleurum.
Assembly: The length of the vertical delphinium should be 1.5 thimes the height of the vase to be used. Two additional pieces of delphinium are inserted from the side to form the horizontal part of the inverted T. The length of these pieces should be 3/4 of the length that is used to form the vertical line. Insert the 3 pieces of delphinium into the oasis, so as to form the inverted T. The horizontal line should be near the top of the vase. Next, select a large rose (color of your choice). The rose will become the focal point of the arrangement. Insert the rose into the oasis with a 30 degree tilt up, and slightly above the horizontal line. Then fill in any gaps with the remaing flowers. Pieces of the lasar fern are then inserted to provide accent where desired. The finished arrangement should appear to be an inverted T, not a triangle.
バラ デルフィニウム(飛燕草) アリウムコアニー (白の小さい花、ねぎ科) ブルーレースフラワー レザーファン ブプレリューム
March 2007
Marianne Sora Rose *
**Sora Rose is made of chips of sora plants stems. Sora plants are dried water-weeds which grow in the rice paddies
*ソーラーローズとは、「 ソーラープランツ」という稲の間で成長する水草を乾燥させ、その茎の皮をナイフで削いて作られたものです。
Earnest prayer 熱心な祈祷者
My Mon and I visited Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine last week.I intended to go to see cherry blossoms, but somewhat we ended up with visiting the shrine. There, we happened to see an about-to-be wed couple processioning on the shrine yard. My Mom did not care about them because the bride was not her daughter. She just wanted to have lots of bressings from the Shinto God. She was earnestly praying and praying at the second main building there. She did not notice that a part of wedding ceremony was going to be taken place soon after she finished praying. The couple were waiting for her to finish.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Flight of the Seagull .. 春の訪れ
I was fascinated by the story that Norm wrote on his website. Therefore, I copied and pasted the description from his site...
Of course, cherry blossoms are the signs of spring in Japan. They were in full bloom at Sumiyoshi Park on April 7, 2007.
"In the Lower 48, Spring is marked by all the flowers popping out of the ground. Well, here at the River [in Alaska], we mark it by the return of birds! And no, I am not the only one that tracks them.... well, okay, seagulls are my specialty, but I have a neighbor that tracks sandhill cranes, robins, and swallows." There is a contest that we can vote for the date of the return of the seagulls on his homepage. I voted for April the 8th. I hope I will be the winner. The latest update is that the river is partially open on April the 4th. A Golden Eye duck was back on Arpil the 5th. But not Seagulls yet.... I wonder if the 8th was too late...
No, it was not too late. It was a bit early. I missed the prize of Norm brand's special smoked salmon. Pity... Norm reported that this year's first seagull was observed at 0817 AM, April 9th (02:17 am April 10th Japan Time). I did a close bidding, but not exactly.
この記事はアラスカのノームさんの借り物です。気に入ったので勝手に頂きました。彼のサイトにもリンクしています。日本では春は桜というように、北緯48度以南では春の訪れは大地に咲く花で感じますよね。アラスカの彼が住むKENAI川では、かもめが帰って来たら春だなって感じるんですって。そんな風に渡り鳥が帰ってくる日を、春を、楽しみに待っているのはんノームさんだけでなく、お隣の方はカナダ鶴、ロビンやツバメが帰ってくる日を楽しみにして毎年記録をとっているそうです。ノームさんはかもめの帰りを楽しみにしているそうです。さて、今年はいつ帰ってくるのか。当ててくださいですって。面白いので、私もそのコンテストに参加しました。4月8日を選びましたが当るかな。最新情報によると川の水が流れ始めたのが現地の4月4日。Golden Eye duck というアヒルが泳いでるのを見つけたのが4月5日。8日は遅すぎたかな....
Of course, cherry blossoms are the signs of spring in Japan. They were in full bloom at Sumiyoshi Park on April 7, 2007.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Never get tired.... 疲れ知らず?
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Flat Sally and Snowman
Flat Sally is at her Grandpa's house in Alaska. She played snowball with Grandpa, snow-sled and they made a snowman. This is Sally with the snowman. She had to use the snow on the deck upstairs because they are a bit more wet It had more moist because of the melted snow from the roof. The one on the driveway was so dry and powdery that snow did not form a ball at all there.
Flat Sallyはアラスカにいるお爺様の家に来ています。お爺様と雪合戦や、そりに乗って遊んだ後、雪だるまを作りました。雪だるまと一緒にいるのがSallyです。雪だるまの雪は二階のデッキにある雪を使わないと作れませんでした。二階の雪はやねからの解けた雫で水分があるため雪だるまを作れましたが、ドライブウエーの雪は乾燥していて粉状の雪なので雪だるまを作れませんでした。
Flat Sally (Stanley) Project
Flat Stanley is about an ordinary boy who gets flattened when a bulletin board falls on him, he decides to make the best of it by traveling the world. He sends himself in an envelope to many different places and learns new songs and words in other languages.
Flat Stanley will be sent to someone who will enjoy taking care of him. A letter will be sent with Stanley to his recipient explaining the project and the date when Flat Stanley needs to be back to the student's class. Each Flat Stanley and his adventures will be displayed at Open House.
The recipient of Flat Stanley will include Stanley in many fun and creative adventures. Photos will be taken of him while doing different activities. The students will be communicating to Stanley's recipient by writing letters in response to the postcards, pictures, etc. It is a fun and creative way for the children in our class to write. It also makes the process of writing a lot more interesting! The children will be anxiously waiting for any letters, etc. (Described by Cryn)
What MyD, Granpa received was Flat Sally, instead of Flat Stanley.
Flat Stanley will be sent to someone who will enjoy taking care of him. A letter will be sent with Stanley to his recipient explaining the project and the date when Flat Stanley needs to be back to the student's class. Each Flat Stanley and his adventures will be displayed at Open House.
The recipient of Flat Stanley will include Stanley in many fun and creative adventures. Photos will be taken of him while doing different activities. The students will be communicating to Stanley's recipient by writing letters in response to the postcards, pictures, etc. It is a fun and creative way for the children in our class to write. It also makes the process of writing a lot more interesting! The children will be anxiously waiting for any letters, etc. (Described by Cryn)
What MyD, Granpa received was Flat Sally, instead of Flat Stanley.
The Best Medicine - 最善の薬
The best medicine for the elderly people would be to meet their family members. Last week, my mother and I went to see my sister and her daughter. We have not met them for a long time. We arranged to meet for lunch in Kobe. As soon as we met, my mother's face started to brighten up. The difference was so obvious. We try to do different thing so that senile disease would progress slower. However, I have recognized that the best treatment for my mother was to see her family member who have not met for a long time.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Pills - 薬
Sermion, Aricept, Mevalotin and Pollakisu are the pills that my mother reluctantly takes after breakfast and dinner. Reluctant, because she does not believe anything wrong with her health. Daughters are trying to convince her that her health check revealed high cholestrol. These pills are to reduced cholestrol. We should never mention about senile disease to her. In addition, she does not like the doctor. Our worry is that she might quit going to see her doctor and taking the pills. Pharmacy puts the pills into each bag per take, rather than putting them into four different bags with different instructions on when to take. My sister add a date and a day of a week on each bag and tape them like the photo. My mother can just open a bag after meal and take the content. The date on the bag will prevent skipping pills to take. This is a very good idea!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Surprise about my mother - 意外な面
My sister started to work for simple arithmetic, Japanese reading and writing Chinese characters with my mother. These are again all for brain functioning. However, my mother would not be happy to know the purpose of doing the exercise. My sister asked her to read out the Japanese so that she can practice word-processing on the computer. Of course, my mother is happy to help my sister. The cooperative work started smoothly. We, daughters were surprised by our mother's ability to do arithmetic and to write Chinese characters. We learned a new aspect of our mother. Our mother seems to enjoy doing these as well daily with her one of daughters.
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