Visiting Sandy & Tim's house was a surprise to me. I have never seen a house like theirs where so many pets live together - four parrots, five dogs, three tortoises and fish in three large aquariums. Sandy is a former pilot. Tim is a skipper. He knows a lot about fishing and others. One of his hidden talents is to talk to aligators.
(Photo: Good night hugs by four dogs, Carnel Clink, Forkker,
Blitzkerez and Sargent Shultz to Sandy on her bed. Tim pulling
a stone crab box onto his boat.)
サンディ とティムの家程驚かされた家はない。ペットが沢山。オウムが四羽、犬が五匹、亀三匹と大きな三台の水槽の中には魚達が... サンディは元パイロット。ティムは漁船の船長さん。彼は釣に関してのみならず何でも博学である。鰐と話もできる。(写真はサンディとお休み前の四匹の犬の戯れ。蟹釣の仕掛けを引き上げるティム)。
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