Thursday, May 15, 2008

Height Comparison on Kid's Day こどもの日の背比べ

In Japan, May the 5th is a national holiday, celebrating boy's growth. We have several other national holidays during this week. Because of so many holidays close together, it is called "Golden Week". On this occasion, my family gathered and had a picnic. It is one of customs to check the height of kids on May the 5th according to a Japanese nursery song. Well, an old ex-young boy and my niece were comparing their heights by standing back to back. This old ex-young boy was fearing that he might have been beaten by my niece who recently has been growing quite rapidly. If you see close enough, you might recognize this former young boy's heels are slightly up.  Or, is it a wrong judgement?

今年のゴールデンウィークの5/4に私の家族は皆集まってピクニックをしました。思いがけず沢山集まって楽しかったです。すると、♪柱の傷はおととしの~を思い出させるようなことを姪とかつての「男の子」はやっておりました。ひょっとして、負けるのではないかと、この元少年君はドキッとしたようです。姪っ子の背丈がここ最近ぐっと伸びてきたからです。ようく写真を見ると、かつての少年君のかかとがほんの僅か上がっているような気がしますが..... 気のせいでしょうか。

This is a warrior's helmet which is displayed for May the 5th to celebrate a boy's healthy growth. This set of decorations was inherited from one family to another within my relatives this year. I put this photo up to record memories of my sister and her son, the former owning family of the helmet.


Lions like vehicles? ライオンは車がお好き?

It was a hot sunny day on April 16, 2008 when we found part of a lion family, napping on an abandoned car. Daddy was sleeping on the hood, and mammy with one of her cubs on the roof. What a nice family!? They seem to sense no impending danger.
今年の4月16日熱い晴天の日でしたが、放置車の上で休んでいるライオン家族を見つけました。お父さんはボンネットの上で、お母さんと子供は屋根の上で眠っていました。仲の良い家族と言うべきでしょうか。 余裕ですね。

The car was placed in their enclosure at the San Diego Wild Animal Park, which is operated by the San Diego Zoo. There were seven cubs, all only 5 months old. The rest of the cubs were away from their parents, laying down under a tree nearby.