Thursday, April 17, 2008

Let's Go Padres! 頑張れーパドレス!

I was lucky to observe a historical baseball game between the Padres and the Rockies at Petco Park on April 17,2008 in San Diego. The game lasted for 22 innings, ending at 1:21am for 6 hours 16 minutes. The game was tied for most of the time with the score only 1-1 until the 21st inning. At one o'clock a.m. on Friday, we could not estimate when the game would be over and finally left. While walking towards our car, we learned that the game had ended with the 22nd inning. The Padres lost 2 - 1 on an unearned run.

In Japan, there is a rule to stop playing at 12th-inning, no longer than 5 hours from the beginning of the game, or no new inning after mid-night. I did not know there was no such rules in the U.S..  Seeing a score board of 30th inning was a kind of threatening for me.

As time went by, there were fewer spectators. However, people got more excited in order to get an attention of a cameraman, so that they would be on the big screen.

I tried myself. You can see me on the big screen if you are lucky.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Tree Like a Pheasant 孔雀のような木

I like the zoo in San Diego. It has lots of greenery, and a very natural atmosphere. The tree which attracted me most during this visit was a tree that looks like a pheasant. It is called Thai Mountain Giant (Caryota Gigas).

I found a real pheasant whose feathers were wide open.