My mother has been continuing her brain exercises, but in stead of reducing the speed in calculations, her time has been getting worse. I was wondering why.... She does not like any type of luxury. Her room does not have a heater, nor any carpet. It is like Alaska in her room, but the rest of my condo is comfortable. In order to stay warm, she lays in her bed most of her time. Her bed is a futon on the floor. Staying in bed for such long periods will increase her senile disease. So, I decided to use a "Kotatsu" (a table with a heater unerneath) to pull her out of her room. She seems to enjoy the Kotatsu and has been doing the exercises there.
脳のトレーニングを母は続けているが、計算のスピードが速くなるどころか、極端に遅くなってきた。何故かしら? 彼女はともかく贅沢を拒否する。彼女の部屋には暖房もなくカーペットもないので、アラスカのように冷え冷えとしている。自分の体を温めるため布団の中に長い時間入りっぱなしだ。そんなことをしていたらますますボケてしまう。何とか、彼女の部屋からおびき出そうと、コタツをコタツとして使うことにした。今までコタツを単なるテーブルとしてしか使っていなかった。コタツを準備すると、彼女にとってコタツは贅沢ではないらしく受け入れてくれたようだ。そこで頭の体操をしている。

On Jan 26 (Sat.), she was grumbling about the shower, because there was no hot water coming out. She was trembling in the shower room. She probably had accidently hit the stop button on the hot water panel. I pressed the button for hot water, and everything worked fine. At this time, she told me that something black was flying in her eyes. I suspected this to be "floaters". However, I did not take her to an eye-doctor until my sister sent me an email on Wednesday.
This chart is from Wikipedia
The doctor's diagnosis was blood in the Vitreous humor. Vitreous humor is the transparent fluid that fills the space between the retina and lens of the eye. With blood in this fluid, her vision is obscured in the left eye. An operation might be required, so we were referred to a special hospital. I took her there on Thursday. The doctor there told us to wait and see if the blood will go away in another week or so. If it does not, an operation will be conducted to remove the blood. I am hoping the blood will go away. My mother can not see anything unless the item is no more than about 10 cms away from her left eye. What a difficult and sad condition this is for her. We will see the doctor again next Friday on Feb.8, and check to see if there is improvement. I suspect the cause of her eye problem could be age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).
脳のトレーニングを母は続けているが、計算のスピードが速くなるどころか、極端に遅くなってきた。何故かしら? 彼女はともかく贅沢を拒否する。彼女の部屋には暖房もなくカーペットもないので、アラスカのように冷え冷えとしている。自分の体を温めるため布団の中に長い時間入りっぱなしだ。そんなことをしていたらますますボケてしまう。何とか、彼女の部屋からおびき出そうと、コタツをコタツとして使うことにした。今までコタツを単なるテーブルとしてしか使っていなかった。コタツを準備すると、彼女にとってコタツは贅沢ではないらしく受け入れてくれたようだ。そこで頭の体操をしている。

On Jan 26 (Sat.), she was grumbling about the shower, because there was no hot water coming out. She was trembling in the shower room. She probably had accidently hit the stop button on the hot water panel. I pressed the button for hot water, and everything worked fine. At this time, she told me that something black was flying in her eyes. I suspected this to be "floaters". However, I did not take her to an eye-doctor until my sister sent me an email on Wednesday.

The doctor's diagnosis was blood in the Vitreous humor. Vitreous humor is the transparent fluid that fills the space between the retina and lens of the eye. With blood in this fluid, her vision is obscured in the left eye. An operation might be required, so we were referred to a special hospital. I took her there on Thursday. The doctor there told us to wait and see if the blood will go away in another week or so. If it does not, an operation will be conducted to remove the blood. I am hoping the blood will go away. My mother can not see anything unless the item is no more than about 10 cms away from her left eye. What a difficult and sad condition this is for her. We will see the doctor again next Friday on Feb.8, and check to see if there is improvement. I suspect the cause of her eye problem could be age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).
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