February 21, 2007
I hope this is a haphazard only yesterday and today. It is my mother's role to store washed plates in the cupboard everyday. I am spoiled by her on that regard. However, yesterday, plates were left on the table, which was very very unusual. I was surprised and wondered what happened to her. Today, when I came home, again, I found plates laid on the table. All other cups and plates were also left untouched. This never happened before. I wondered what happened to her.
今日2月22日食器は片付いていた。いつもの母親に戻っていた。良かった。小さな母の変化がとても気になるようになった。Fortunately, she was back to normal today, Feb.,22, 2007. Her usual habit was back. I started to feel nervous about a minor changes in my mother's daily habits.
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