Wednesday, February 28, 2007


The bait for mackerel fishing was a shrimp. After casting the rod, wait for a while until the bait reaches the bottom. Once the bait reach the bottom, pull the line and release. Bigger mackerel is swimming at the bottom. Repeat themovement, jiggle several time while making sure the bait is at the bottom. While doing so, there will be a bite by mackerel. Reel in.


Started flaunder fishing at around 20:00. Flounders were found at the bottom of shallow wather. Lights were turned on at the end of a boat.

Stone Crabs

Friday, February 23, 2007

お金の感覚 - Money

Year-end, 2006


My mother's response surprised me at the end of 2006. Every year, she was preparing 5,000 yen or 10,000 yen per my niece or nephew for their new year's allowances. To me, such an amount is too much for junior or senior high school kids. But she used to prepare such an amount of money. This new year, to my astonishment, the amount she thought enough was 100 yen per person. Only 100 yen. Something must have occurred in herself with regard to her sense of money during this period.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Feb. 21, 2007 テーブルに置かれた食器-Plates left on the table


February 21, 2007
I hope this is a haphazard only yesterday and today. It is my mother's role to store washed plates in the cupboard everyday. I am spoiled by her on that regard. However, yesterday, plates were left on the table, which was very very unusual. I was surprised and wondered what happened to her. Today, when I came home, again, I found plates laid on the table. All other cups and plates were also left untouched. This never happened before. I wondered what happened to her.
今日2月22日食器は片付いていた。いつもの母親に戻っていた。良かった。小さな母の変化がとても気になるようになった。Fortunately, she was back to normal today, Feb.,22, 2007. Her usual habit was back. I started to feel nervous about a minor changes in my mother's daily habits.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Quilts - Christmas decolation

This is MyD's Sister's house. MyDの妹さんのお家。
I was so much amazed by ND's creativity of decorating her house with her work of quilts.

Christmas table setting

Christmas dinner at ND's house on Jan. 2, 2005.

Christmas Trees

These were created and decorated by ND (Jan. 2005).

New Year's Cooking

American Oyster Pie and Tamale Pie should be up sometime.




Recipe introduced in a journal published by the Foreign Transportation and Finance Health Insurance Association in Japan.

Monday, February 19, 2007

LAX Airport to Frezno

Windows at the LAX airport to Frezno had an interesting drawings. It described wake to turbulance, transonic barrier, shock wave, glider riding a thermal, wingtip vortices and venturi diagram.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


January arrangement.
Valentine Day's arrangement.

Took with a newly bought camera, Lumix DMC-LZ7. Taken at 3m.


September arrangement.
Photo by Sony Cyber Shot.


Continued learning preserved flower with lots of breaks.


One of my preserved flower arrangements in 2004.

DM participated in creating this wreath.