We visited MyD's friends, Ed & Chris's house on the from family camp out site in Three Rivers to MyD's daughters houses in Orange County. Their house wad designed and built by themselves. It is in Shell Beach and has a beautiful ocean view. The hedge in fron is Rosemary.
恒例のThree Riverでのファミリーキャンプ場を後にして、MyD娘達が住むOrange Countyに帰る途中、MyDの友達のEdとChris夫妻のお家に立ち寄らせて頂きました。自分達で設計して建てたお家はShell Beachと言うところにあり、家から海が見えとても綺麗なお家でした。手前に見える緑はローズマリーです。
The home where my mother is staying had a festival on Saturday September 5th. I was able to spend a few hours with her. Included among the performers, was a Jappanese drum group. My mom was so excited and wanted to beat a drum by herself while she was watching the performance of this Japanese drum beating group. She had fun beating the air while watching the performance. Beating the drums seemed to be her biggest interest at the festival. We had a fun day together.