Thursday, October 23, 2008

Let's Go Together!

This is a photo of the time share residence where we are going to stay for our first week next year in Cabao
San Lucas. It is called Hacienda Encantada.

This is the dining room of the residence.


It has a magnificent view of the Sea of the Cortez.The swimming pool looks like an extension of the ocean.

The Sea of the Cortezを望んだとても綺麗なところです。プールが海の一部に見えるのがなんとも言いがたいですね。

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Queen of Fish & Scenery

This is a beautiful shot of a Marlin. This Marlin was caught by MyD and the photo was taken by his friend. Surely, everyone had some wonderful moments of fishing this year. We released all the marlin, sailfish, and most of the dorado.

This is the symbol of Cabo San Lucas - El Arco. In English, it means the arch. When we see this on the boat, we are back to the port. An exciting day is over.

My Fish

I was able to catch lots of Dorado this year, more than plenty. The 1st day, it was 15. The 2nd day, it was 12. However, the local authorities introduced a law and they limited our catch of fish for each day as follows:
Dorado ... 4 per person or 6 for 2 people
Marlin/Sail fish ... one per boat. You can catch more, as long as you release them.
今年はドラードが沢山釣れました。嫌と言うほど沢山。 1日目は15尾、2日目は12尾。残念ながらと言うか、幸いに、今年から厳しい法律が施され一日に持ち帰れる魚の数を制限されました。

This year was the first time ever for me to catch this type of fish!

It was so big and heavy. It weighs approximately 100 pounds. I was trying to spread its sail, which is the top fin.


It was a sailfish that I caught.
In addition, I also caught a marlin (about 140 pounds), the first time I caught a marlin for a while. It took about 25 minutes before we released it. It was an exciting year for fishing.

Reference: (Billfish ... カジキ) Information source:

Striped marlinマカジキ
The best to eat among billfish.

Black Marlin....シロカジキ
Grilled marinated black marlin with soybean paste is said to be good.

Blue Marlin...クロカジキ
Not so tasty as Sashimi. 刺身としてはそれほど美味しくない。

Sail Fish...バショウカジキ
Sailfish has less fat than striped marlin but used as alternative fish of striped marlin.

Sword fish.... メカジキ
Can be eaten as Sashimi or as steak.

Bait for billfish is saury(Sanma). かじきの餌はさんま。

Cabo San Lucas - Sun Rise

Beautiful nature greeted us on the 1st morning of our fishing at Cabo San Lucas. This was the sun rise we saw on the fishing boat.
(This photo was taken by MyD.)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

With a Special Neighborhood for the Memory Impared

This signage caught my eyes during our drive between El Segundo and Redondo Beach in Southern California. I imagine this is for the elderly people's facility, so called "Group Home" in Japan. The phrase is gracefully avoiding a direct word such as dementia.
ロス空港近くのEl Segundo から南下してReddondo Beachに向かっていく途中このような看板を見つけた。いわゆる日本で言う「グループホーム」のことかしらと想像している。言い回しが気に入ったので車窓から撮った。

Mother - Exercise 歩かされ

コスモスと 戯れるかに 見ゆる母
Mom is happily
in a field of cute Cosmos,
standing timidly.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mother - Whatever in Freezer

母にとり 何でも入る 冷凍庫
Alas, a yoyo!
Freezer is a big storage
for mom to put in.

(A small balloon with water inside is another type of Yoyo in Japan. The balloon is tied with a rubber band. By holding the rubber band, you can play with the balloon ,like a Yoyo.)

困ったな 冷凍大根 役立たず
Oh, my God. again!
A radish was frozen hard .
Must throw it away...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mother - Her Effort

階段を 弱々しくも 降りる母
Being tough in spirits,
mom is climbing down long stairs
step by step steadily.

新聞の 字読む努力 けなげなリ
Isn't she admirable
to read letters on paper
with her troubled eyes?