A trip with my mother started on Sat. 070707.
Kenai. It was a long trip. Mother never complained about the
length. However, she must have been very tired. As soon as she arrived at
MyD's house, she expressed her wish to go back. She wanted my sister to pick her up. If not, she claimed to go home herself by train. It would be difficult, because we need
air crafts to go back... After a long sleep, she became better after a call to my sisters in Japan, she never grumbled to go home.

My wish was for her to enjoy the quiet and serene scenery there. Unfortunately, the weather was not favorable for her. It was mostly cloudy or was rainy. However, when we were on
activities, rain stopped and even the sun came out. Being acrophobia, she was afraid of getting closer to the stairs, which goes down to the shore of
Kenai River from
MyD's backyard. For a boat ride, we had her heavily clad to prevent from head winds and managed her on board. In her childhood, she used to commute by boats, so she should have had no problem to ride a boat. What she uttered after the launch was, "Having known of this fish

boat ride, I should have come here with my brother in my hometown. He would have been enjoyed by finding a company (
MyD) ...." My uncle was a fisherman.
母には、晴れた綺麗な景色を楽しんで欲しかったが、あいにく、曇りから雨。天候的には最悪の一週間だったが、それでも我々が活動しているときには、雨がやんだり、晴れ間を覗かしてくれた。高所恐怖症の母は、川に降りるデッキに近付くのさえ怖がっていた。向かい風に備えて重装備にし、ボートに無事乗ってくれた。島娘の母がボートを怖がるとは思えなかった。ボートが進むや否や、「こんな船に乗せてもらえるんだったら、田舎の兄さん連れて来れば良かった...」だって。 叔父さんは漁師をしていた。

Clouds broke out, while we were on the boat. I believed my mother would enjoy the scenery. According to her, "everywhere looks the same." Well, I do not think so... As a result, she was resting her eyes by closing.

At the dining table, she was doing simple
arithmetic and Japanese writing
exercises to kill her time. She was so impressed by the loftiness of spruce trees outside.
My mother is standing at Lands End of the spit in Homer. This was the place I was so much impressed when I first visited Alaska on my own in May 1995. Rain just stopped for her to

appreciate the partial view of the
Kenai Mountains across the
Kachemok Bay. But I am not sure what my mom was looking at at this moment. ホーマーという場所に一本の髭のように突き出た場所がある。その先端のランドエンドというところに母が立っている。実は、この場所は1995年5月に初めて一人でアラスカを訪れたときに来て、感激した場所だ。ちょうど雨が止んでくれて何とかカチャマク湾の向こうのキーナイ山脈の稜線が見えた。 が、母はこの時、何を見ていたかは不明。

Another wish for my mother was to experiment fishing at the private beach. But she was hesitant and was scared. I asked my mother to hold the pole in order to pick up something to drink from the house. On my return, I found my mother bravely wielding the pole at the river on her own. 母にこの裏庭にある美しい川で釣もやってみて欲しかったが、怖いと言って断られた。飲み物を取りに行く間、釣竿を持っておいてと依頼して離れたが、帰ってくると、なんと母は勇敢にも釣竿を振り回していた。
My mother likes to wait for us, rather than following our rambling. At the photo shot moment, I was not sure if my mother was aware

that we were in the building behind her.
She was looking around, probably looking for me.... I cheated her. I sneaked out of the building from the other exit and took her photo. Sorry.
Overall, I am not sure if this trip was good for her. It is said travelling is good to prevent people from aging. I feel the trip
accelerated her aging, as she was always unaware where she was and what time it was. Such unsureness, however, is reasonable, because the sun does not go down completely in Alaska right now.
”Greatest thanks" goes to
MyD on behalf of my family members!